Boil Water Advisory Update


The City of Brandon’s Operations and Water Treatment staff have identified that the water main break that cut pressure to many residences and businesses in Brandon yesterday originated in a large pipe near the city’s water treatment plant. That portion of the distribution pipe was isolated from the system and the rest of the system was pressurized, returning water service.

This pipe is one of the City’s main distribution pipes and is 400 millimetres in diameter. When it failed, it affected pressure throughout the system. The pipe was installed in the 1960’s and is made of concrete.

Crews are preparing the site to repair the water main break as soon as possible. They are mobilizing equipment to remove water from the area today. The plan is to begin excavation of the site tomorrow once the water has been removed.

The temporary boil water advisory continues to be in effect today for a portion of the city: south of the Assiniboine River, and west of 18th Street, reaching to our city limits.

More information on the boil water advisory can be found here.