Brandon patios set to re-open, with restrictions in place
The Province of Manitoba announced earlier today that starting May 4th “a variety of non-essential health-care and retail businesses will have the option to reopen under strict guidelines”. Restaurants – patio/walk-up services were listed among phase one of restoring services within the province. However only 50% of seating capacity will be allowed on patios, as part of this initial phase. The Dock on Princess, as an example normally operates with 32 patio seats and now they will be only allowed to serve 16 seats. The actual floor plan of how tables and chairs will be worked out is still being talked about.
We reached out to several restaurants in the city to discuss their thoughts on today’s announcement. Rick and Ashley from Original Joe’s told that their staff is excited to be back open on May 4th.
Greg Clemmensen, owner of East Side Mario’s, said their staff (both young and old) are so bored and they want to come back to work. In the service industry, staff depends on tip money for additional revenue. He added that they all want to be placed on the schedule as much as they can.
Darren Burdeniuk, owner of The Dock on Princess. They have rehired three full time staff for now. The inside of the restaurant is in the middle of some renovations so patrons can expect a slightly newer look when dine-in seating resumes. Please note The Dock won’t be open until the middle of May.

The Dock on Princess

Original Joe’s Brandon MB