Community Connection: 20 Questions with Cheryl Campbell


BDNMB.CA always strives to support local business and entrepreneurs. Today we look at new real estate agent Cheryl Campbell who has just started working at the local Remax office.

Do you feel the local real estate market is growing among females: Brandon already has a very strong female presence in the real estate market, I am very lucky to work alongside many very successful female realtors, but yes I do believe it has grown and will continue to grow in our town!

Who was your favourite hockey coach for your son: My son is 17 years old and started hockey when he was just 4/5 years old. That is a lot of years of hockey, with a lot of different coaches. There is no way I can pick just one, I think each one of them taught my son something different and valuable that has helped him become the person he is today, not only on the ice, but off the ice as well.

Last movie you watched at the theatre: My husband and I took my daughters to Toy Story 4 (pre-covid). One of the best parts of having kids is the excuse to go to all the cutest kid movies!

You can’t use google for this, but who is Jack Bauer: I honestly have no idea, but because we have already talked about hockey, I’m going to guess the CEO of Bauer hockey company? I’m going to Google him now……

Do you find Sean Hannity attractive: I would say he is definitely a bit of a silver fox.

Brandon’s best Pizza: Marino’s is always my go to.

Who was your worst date with, and why: I have actually never had a really bad date! However, my most awkward date was my first date with my husband. I have no idea why, but when the waitress came to take our orders, I ended up ordering his meal for him, right in front of him, without even asking what he wanted. Chicken fingers and fries. He didn’t want them, but ate them anyways. It was weird. We still laugh about it.

Best gift you have ever received: A necklace with the fingerprint molding of a friend we lost. I wear it everyday. It means to world to me.

What would your spirit animal be: I think I always assumed it would be a bear? Grumpy in the mornings, love to eat, hibernates all winter? However, I decided to take a “spirit animal” quiz for this:

question, it turns out I’m a Platypus? It says we are cute, always on the go, happiest in the water and dangerous if angered. Who knew?

If you could steal something without going to jail, what would it be: Probably the Cullinan diamond, which is one of the largest diamonds ever found. I would steal it, sell it for the $2 billion it is apparently worth, buy a place in Bermuda and retire.

What skills do you wish you were better at: My time management skills. I think most of my family/friends would agree I have been known to run a bit late at times, it’s something I am working on.

Who has given you good business advice, and what was it: One of the real estate courses was taught by a lady who has been in the business for many years. She told us all to “get comfortable with being uncomfortable” and I honestly repeat this to myself often. In this business you have to put yourself out there, meet new people, ask uncomfortable questions, work your way through new experiences, new situations, and get used to being rejected over and over again. It’s not always fun, but it comes with the job.

Do you think life exists on other planets: Yes! There are billions of galaxies out there. Billions! There is no way we can be the only living things around.

What is your hidden skill or talent: Well it is going to stay hidden for most of you, but a few people have been “lucky” enough to experience my top notch Karaoke/Lip syncing performances. That’s all I am going to say about that.

Jeans or a Skirt: I love them both! But I wear jeans more often.

When you book a hotel room, what’s the most important thing to you: Does it have a waterslide to entertain my 4&6 year old daughters for at LEAST a few hours during our stay.

Is Yoga cool: Ummmm Yes!!! Yoga is so cool.

Did you ever do online dating: I have not. My husband and I were together far before online dating was a popular thing to do.

What are you most passionate about: Helping others is my passion. Anything as little as brightening someone’s day with a good laugh, or as big as helping someone find their future home. It makes me happy, and I love doing it.