Former Brandon Wheat King creating new goals


BDNMB.CA recently had an opportunity to speak with former Wheat King Chris Low about the transition to becoming a successful real estate agent in Brandon.

Low’s teammates with the Wheat Kings included Temple, Elder, Murray, Robson, Smart, Ritchie, Dingman, Redden and Cloutier during the 93 – 94 and 94 – 95 seasons.  After junior hockey Chris grinded it around for 7 years in semi pro hockey before retiring.

So Chris we have noticed, not only on a local level but a national level as well, that you are starting to see a lot of former athletes entering the real estate business, why do you think that is?

Low – I can’t speak for all but, for myself it was an opportunity I was considering for a long time. A good friend Graham Garden told me he thought I could do well and to be honest I liked the way he carried himself and admired his work ethic. He transitioned into Real Estate from pro hockey and I wanted to prove him right.

How often do you stay in touch with old team mates?

Low – The hockey world is small and the connections you make along the way not only with teammates but, with people in the community are everlasting. We will reach out to one another for guidance or help with certain situations or assistance if needed for sure.

Some local heavyweights in real estate have a large market share, how tough is it to compete and what makes you different?

Low – To be honest we all have to work together and essentially need each other to complete deals. As much competition there is between the brokerages I’ve found that everyone seems to get along well. I hear the phrase “carve your own niche” often. The fun part of the job is being the go-to for people entering their next phase of life. I’m not happy until my clients are happy. So to answer the question, it is my hope that they can go to their friends/relatives and say “Chris did all he could and more so if you need an agent, you should call him.”

You were still playing competitive hockey with the Boissevain Border Kings, how was that as being one of the “older” guys? Plus team GM Eddy Dyck is one of the most unique people I have met in hockey.

Low – Haha Eddy was a treat to play for and definitely made it fun to come to the rink. I enjoyed being a part of the group they made me feel young again and forgot how old I was until the next morning getting out of bed.