James Montgomery seeking election as Councillor for Ward 3 (Victoria)


James Montgomery will be seeking election as Councillor for Ward 3 (Victoria) in the upcoming Brandon Municipal Election where he will run against Barry Cullen.

The election will be held on Oct. 24.  For more information on the election please visit this link.  Below is his submitted profile.

I love Brandon and have a passion to serve this community.  I have been successful in the public, private and non-profit sectors. I am a very active volunteer. My grandparents and parents are originally from Brandon and I have resided here since 2009. My wife and I have decided to permanently reside in Brandon because we believe it is the best place in the world to live.  The current Mayor and Council have done a good job; therefore, I am not running on a “we need change” platform, rather my motivation is to contribute my time and experience to the city to ensure Brandon continues to progress and be an even better place to live and work.  A city with low taxes, strong infrastructure, low unemployment, safe neighbourhoods and ample recreational opportunities. I live in the Victoria Ward and I’m looking forward to meeting many more neighbors along the campaign trail. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to have coffee.