Rockin’ the Fields of Minnedosa day passes go on-sale Friday



Rockin’ the Fields of Minnedosa has announced that day passes to the popular event held every August Long Weekend will be available for purchase on Friday June 15th.  Tickets will be priced at $80 until Thursday August 2 after which they will increase to $90.

Previously announced performers Snake Oil Sinners Headpins, Helix, Honeymoon Suite, Buckcherry, Kim Mitchell, Trooper, Chilliwack, Three Days Grace, and Burton Cummings will now be joined by The Incredibly Hip.  There are more to be announced.

Although campground A has sold out there are still some spots available in B. There are plenty of vendors, hot showers, and everything else needed for this to be your weekend of the summer.

Additional information is available at or at 1-888-330-8333. Get the latest on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.