16.2 C
Brandon, CA
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Thanksgiving Thunderstorm in Brandon today

Here are a series of photos local photographer Caley Brown took around Brandon today right after supper when the storm hit.

Brandon’s Victoria Wilke competing in the Miss Universe Canada contest

Brandon’s Victoria Wilke could soon have a life changing event as the Crocus Plains graduate is in Toronto competing in the Miss Universe Canada contest. Wilke, who has recently moved to Alberta, will compete with 71 others from across Canada and the event will wrap up October 7th. Victoria has only been actively modelling for…

Sitting around the boardroom table

If you’ve been on a board in the past or if you’ve been recently invited to sit on a board, it is natural to be a little apprehensive. One of the first questions that many people will ask is ‘how much of my time will be required?’ While ensuring you have enough time to dedicate…

Meetings – you gotta love ‘em!

Some may refer to it as fall, others may call it as the season of meetings! As many organizations break for the summer, activities get back into full swing as the leaves start to fall from the trees. This is also true when it comes to condominium boards. The next couple of months are often…

Free entry to provincial parks Labour Day Long Weekend

The Manitoba government will once again offer free entry to provincial parks to mark the Labour Day long weekend, Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires announced today. “Free park entry weekends provide an opportunity for all Manitobans to enjoy our natural, cultural and historical sites in provincial parks,” Squires said.  “Manitoba summers are a wonderful time…
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