1st Street Detention Pond Expansion Starts This Week


As part of the City’s plan to improve drainage in southeast Brandon, work to expand the existing detention pond at the southwest corner of 1st Street and Richmond Avenue will commence this week.

Following a procurement process, Tri-Wave Construction Ltd. was the successful bidder for this project. The 1st Street detention pond expansion will occur south of Richmond Avenue between 1st Street and the rear of properties along the east side of 2nd Street. Weather dependent, completion of the project is scheduled for Friday, June 30, 2023.

Access to the work area will be through Kin Park via Cornwallis Avenue. As a result, there may be some parking restrictions in the area, as well as potential closures to some pathways in Kin Park. Driveway access should not be restricted, but temporary road closures may impact regular routes of travel and street parking. Detour signage will be in place if a road closure is required.

  What is a detention pond?

A detention pond, which can also be referred to as a dry pond, is part of the stormwater management system and provides temporary storage of stormwater runoff, allowing the stormwater to be slowly released as the storm dissipates and ends.

  Will trees be cut down?

Yes, but only if necessary. Unfortunately, due to the location of the pond expansion and access constraints, a few trees will require removal. New trees will be re-planted outside of the pond area, the year following completion of the work.

  Will garbage collection service be interrupted?

Solid Waste collection services will be maintained throughout construction. To avoid conflicts, the Solid Waste Department will be collecting recycling and compostable materials (blue and green lid carts) earlier in the morning. To ensure your pickup is not missed, please ensure your cart is set out the night before.