33 Years Later He Hangs Up The Scissors
He was known as ” The Freak ” and Dean Grywacheski is leaving his post in CFB Shilo.
After 33 years he was always known as ” Dean the Barber ” and he has now decided to call it a day.
BDNMB.CA – After 33 years of driving to Shilo day in and day out what would be the low point and the highlight of the job
Dean – I think that these two things actually work in conjunction with each other — the highs are the people and friends and my staff that i have been so privileged to meet — while they are posted in Shilo I get to be a part of the their family , so when they leave to another post that is always a hard thing . Then sometimes out of the blue they show back up in the shop to say hi , and ” holy you are still here”
BDNMB.CA – What is the biggest tip you would have got …….I was told Joe McDonald was a big tipper
Dean – Lol , he ( Joe ) is a great guy for sure and was always such a wonderful supporter of the shop! I do remember one gentleman coming in once we were allowed to reopen open after Covid and left me $100.00 , he said ” real glad you were able to hang on “
BDNMB.CA – Your staff will stay on and you will now move to a new venture can you describe what you will be doing next
Dean – Yes , the staff is staying on and the shop will remain open .
For me , I have accepted a position with ACC and am really looking forward to this new chapter …it’s been 33 years lol!

BDNMB.CA – Passion is a big part of owning a business and after 33 years you would lose some of that passion for sure.
Dean – 33 years is a long time , but it has been filled with so much joy which kept the passion for what i did and for meeting people at the forefront ! Starting with the German soldiers and their families , the 2 PPCLI moving from Winnipeg to Shilo to make a new home base for themselves and all of the people from East to West that I have had the pleasure to get to know has been an experience beyond anything I could have dreamed of !!
BDNMB.CA – For many of us we met you working back in the day at the Unwinder when you were a bartender ( Victoria Inn ) so how did you get the nickname THE FREAK
Dean – Oh man … now that a long time ago …..as i was working at the Shilo Barber Shop I took on another job at the Underwinder /Yaks …. I always just called people ‘Hey Freak ‘ to get their attention , so people started saying back and it just kinda stuck i guess .
Thanks for taking the time to do an article on me , appreciate it !
“Dean the Barber “