Pink Moon, Pink Day

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While the full moon of April, which rose last night, is known as the Pink Moon it isn’t actually pink. Before the use of calendars, Indigenous people named the moon each month based on activities of the season. This month’s full moon became known as the Pink Moon because of wild ground phlox, one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring.

 While there wasn’t a pink hue in the skies last night, today is a different story. Schools and workplaces will be glowing with various shades of pink as today is the Canadian Red Cross Pink Day. The Red Cross works with students and educators throughout Manitoba in the prevention of violence, abuse and bullying.

Community groups, workplaces and parents are encouraged to celebrate Pink Day. While preventing bullying is one of the main objectives, today is also meant to promote kindness and respect.

Anti-bullying events are held on an annual basis during the second week in April across the country. The initiative began in 2007. #everydayispinkday #herosassemble