Province releases initial plan for COVID-19 vaccine rollout

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To protect health care workers and the stability of our health care system, the Manitoba government has identified the first priority population group that will receive the COVID-19 vaccine and will start booking appointments today, Premier Brian Pallister announced.

“By protecting Manitoba’s health care workers, we are helping to protect our entire health care system and the patients they care for,” said Pallister. “Based on the recommendations of our vaccine implementation task force, we have identified which health care workers should be the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and effectively begin an unprecedented immunization campaign.  We know it will take time for every Manitoban to be immunized, but we are ready to make that happen as quickly and safely as possible.”

Dependent on the safe arrival of the Pfizer vaccine as scheduled, immunization clinics for the first priority group will begin next week.  Eligible health care workers received information yesterday to explain how to book an appointment by phone.

As recommended by Manitoba’s vaccine implementation task force, the first priority group to receive COVID-19 immunizations will be health care workers whose work involves direct contact with patients and who meet one of these other criteria:
•    work in critical care units, born on or before Dec. 31, 1970;
•    work in acute care facilities, born on or before Dec. 31, 1960;
•    work in long term care facilities, born on or before Dec. 31, 1960; or
•    be assigned to COVID-19 immunization clinics.

This priority group is larger than the 900 doses that will initially be available to Manitoba. Appointments will be booked in the order of calls received. Additional dates will be added to immunize this priority group as soon as possible, based on the next deliveries of vaccine.

Beginning today, eligible health care workers can book an appointment to be immunized, at a clinic starting as early as Wednesday, Dec. 16.  When they call, health care workers will be booked an appointment for their second dose of the vaccine and will receive an automated reminder by text.

More information about additional clinics will be provided as soon as possible and will be based on deliveries of vaccine to the province.  

For more information about Manitoba’s vaccination campaign, visit  

The Manitoba government is taking strong action to protect Manitobans and ensure timely access to care. For more information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, visit:

(Province of Manitoba News Release)