Westman Communications Group makes donation to the Russell Health Centre Chemotherapy Unit Expansion

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Westman Communications Group (WCG) is steadfast in its commitment to leave a
positive impact in the communities it serves. On Wednesday, May 25, WCG further demonstrated its commitment by donating $1,500 to the Expanding Community Cancer Care (ECCC) to support the development of the chemotherapy unit at the Russell Health Centre (RHC).

The expansion project requires the construction of an additional 2,300 square feet of building space for the chemotherapy treatment area of the RHC to move into, making it four times larger than the current unit. This new chemotherapy unit will improve access and enhance the quality of care for patients and their families. This initiative will benefit 14 communities in the Russell area, including 7 of which WCG serves – Binscarth, Birtle, Inglis, Roblin, Rossburn, Russell, and St. Lazare.

“Supporting the communities we serve is an important part of who we are,” said WCG Marketing Manager Courtney Baxter. “We are honoured to be able to donate to such a great expansion project that will make a major difference in the region.”

The ECCC began their campaign to have the new chemotherapy building attached to the RHC in 2014. The ECCC has patiently sought approval from the Provincial Government and Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) over the past seven years. In January 2022, they received approval to construct the Cancer Care Building. The ECCC agreed to raise all the necessary funds for the expansion and has held multiple fundraising initiatives to support the project during this period to raise the $2.5 million required to take care of all construction and equipment costs.

ECCC has raised $1.8 million to date, “We’ll continue to push forward to raise more money so that we can finally see this project through,” said ECCC President Gloria Tibbatts. “Our group started out on adream to expand the existing unit to provide better care and a more positive environment for clients and staff. We started with $50 from the hospital’s drink fund in 2014, and it is great to see how far we have come, although we have a little more work to do yet and a lot more pies to make!”

The Honourable Premier Heather Stefanson, Premier of Manitoba, through an announcement made by the Honourable Cliff Cullen, Deputy Minister of Manitoba, has committed to funding the rest of the $2.5 million investment. This will allow the project to take the next steps in turning this vision into reality.