Brandon Riverbank Inc. names Hammond Executive Director

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Brandon Riverbank Inc. announces that Dean Hammond has been named Executive Director of the non-profit charitable organization committed to developing the Assiniboine River Corridor as a gathering place connecting people with nature.

Born and raised in Brandon, Dean holds a business degree from Brandon University and is also a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). Dean has worked for small and medium-sized businesses, a Fortune 500 company, and most recently in Municipal Government. Dean has vast experience in finance, leadership, project management, Six Sigma, and many other areas. Dean has sat on many not-for-profit Boards including six years with Riverbank, most recently as Vice-President.

Dean is a lifelong resident of Brandon and he and his family are frequent users of the Riverbank facilities. In his spare time, Dean enjoys cycling, paddle sports, travel, and anything to do with the outdoors.

“I’m extremely honoured to be selected as the Executive Director for Brandon Riverbank Inc. Hammond said. This facility is very near and dear to my heart and I look forward to working with the Board of Directors, Staff, the City of Brandon, and our many partners who are so devoted to this space. Riverbank is already a jewel for our community, but I truly believe that we are on the verge of many more great things to come.”

Dean will be responsible for overseeing the administration, programs, and strategic plans of the organization. Dean will be starting with Riverbank on February 27th.

“All of us at Brandon Riverbank Inc. are thrilled to have Dean lead the organization, as we continue to move forward with the Assiniboine River Corridor Master Plan, Sawatzky Sculpture Gardens, and many future projects”, Board President Terry Jaenen, said. “I can’t wait to see where we can go.”