Global Market Finds a New Home


The Community Health and Housing Association Westman Region (CHHA Westman) is excited to announce the Global Market has found a new home at CHHA’s Building Re-Fit Store for the 2023 market season!

Since 2010, the Global Market has evolved, aligning with the organizations goal of providing a space in downtown Brandon to support the importance of buying local.  As the Global Market has grown over the years, so have accumulated expenses such as the canopies. “CHHA was very proud to create an affordable space for vendors to sell their produce and goods.  However, revenue generated from table rentals is not enough to cover all the expenses to run the Global Market at its current location,” says Stephanie Lockerby, CHHA Executive Director. “It was hard to come to the realization that our organization cannot continue to operate the market as it is and that we had to make a change” Lockerby continues, “Moving the Global Market into our Building Re-Fit Store allows us to continue to run the summer market rain or shine!”

The Building Re-Fit Store is undertaking some interior changes with the addition of murals from local artists, to create an energetic and welcoming atmosphere the Global Market was known for.  “Joining the store and market will provide a unique and eclectic atmosphere for all to enjoy”, says Lockerby.

The Global Market will run every Saturday from 10am – 2pm starting May 13th until the end of September 2023 at the Building Re-Fit Store located at 23 – 12th Street.  Tables will be provided for vendors.  For more information or to become a vendor, please email Erin at