City Hall Contemplates Development Charges Increase To Ensure Growth Pays For Growth


To ensure growth is paying for growth, the City of Brandon is considering an increase in development cost charges to catch up to actual costs.  


Canadian cities of all sizes use development cost charges, which is a contribution developers pay toward growth infrastructure. For example, when building a new neighbourhood, developers pay development charges to cover offsite costs related to growth, such as new or expanded roads and water pipes. Residents are not billed for development cost charges, which are designed to take financial pressure off taxpaying households. 


“For generations, Brandon families have been able to count on low taxes, clean water, and strong services,” said Brandon City Manager Ron Bowles. “The City of Brandon’s development cost charges haven’t kept up with actual costs, and it’s time to catch up. When developers pay fair development cost charges, growth pays for growth — which takes tax pressures off households.” 

Bowles said City Hall has received analysis from expert economists Watson & Associates and engaged with developers about coming increases.  While there are more conversations to be had with industry, City Council is expected to consider the changes in February 2024. 


An overview of the proposed changes is available on Enquiries or feedback relating to the draft recommended changes can be sent to   


Brandon City Hall is committed to transparent communications and will continue to update the public and media on development cost charges.