Bobcat BIRT Cup backing local causes


BU hockey alum Scott Hlady founded the BIRT Cup ten years ago and handed the tournament reins over to his alma mater this past summer. The tournament raised around $65,000 in the last five years, including close to $25,000 in 2017.

The Investors Group Bobcat BIRT Cup is July 13 at the Wheat City Golf Course with a portion of the profits going towards Boyd Stadium. The football fields are being built at Simplot Millennium Park.

A newly established Bobcat BIRT Cup Athletic Scholarship Endowment and other local sporting groups will benefit from the funds raised.

“The Boyd Stadium committee and the Westman Youth Football Association board is incredibly appreciative to be one of the recipients of this year’s fundraiser tournament,” said Boyd Stadium spokesperson Blaine Moroz. “This is an amazing gesture of support and helps make a home for generations of youth to grow and play sports.”

The tournament has new committee members, but the title sponsor remains the same with Investors Group continuing its long-standing partnership with the BIRT Cup.

“Investors Group is pleased to support the Bobcat BIRT Cup,” said Tim Rowan, Regional Director, Investors Group Western Manitoba office in Brandon. “The tournament’s legacy will continue thanks to the efforts of BU Athletics and we are proud to be a part of it.”

The Bobcats are hoping to fill the tournament with familiar faces. BU Athletics has made a strong effort to cultivate alumni relationships by holding basketball, hockey and football reunions. The tournament board members are working to make the BIRT Cup a great way for Bobcat alumni to give back and re-connect.

“Our goal is to make this an annual summer celebration with our alumni,” said BU Athletic Director Russ Paddock. “We want former Bobcats to embrace being part of our BU family while working with the community in helping support worthwhile local causes.”

Team registrations are now being accepted at $600 per-foursome or $150 per-golfer. The entry fee includes supper and a post tournament reception that will be held at the Healthy Living Centre. Team registration forms can be found here.

Please send registration with payment to Tyler Crayston, Brandon University Athletics, at 270 18th Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 or drop off at the Healthy Living Centre (2010 Louise Avenue).

More details about the reception and prizes will be announced at a later date.

BIRT is short for basic, intensity, respect and team. Brandon University Sports of Wall of Famer, the late Neil Andrews came up with the acronym when he was Scott Hlady’s baseball coach.