RibFest 2 in the books


Sheri Connery, Sunset Rotary Club President, feels pretty satisfied overall with RibFest 2.  “We were hoping for a few more people…in some ways it was like doing year 1 all over again.”

With all the support from Brandon and area the Ribbers are excited to come back to Brandon for a third year.  “Yes, they want to come back for sure…last year we had more “rushes” and this year was more of a steady flow of customers” added Sheri.

Moving locations this year from the Riverbank Discovery Centre to the Keystone Centre presented both pro’s and cons for the event’s second go around. “Pro’s, we didn’t have to set up anything…chairs and tables everything was all done.   As for the negatives maybe we didn’t advertise the new location enough as people still thought we were at the Discovery Centre.”

Looking ahead to 2019 Sheri and the Rotary Club will stay at the Keystone Centre and work more closely with them.  They will implement a new layout in an effort to help things flow more easily.  One new feature for 2019 that they will be exploring is introducing VIP tables and service.