BSD hosting activities as part of Indigenous Awareness & Education Week
The week of September 30 – October 4th has been proclaimed by the City of Brandon’s Mayor, Rick Chrest as Indigenous Awareness & Education Week. Throughout the week, staff and students in the Brandon School Division will be participating in various activities and learning opportunities to assist the division with their goals:
*All staff and students will be introduced to and/or will re-visit the truth, history and impacts of Canada’s Residential School System;
* All staff and students will recognize that we have a shared history and therefore, an opportunity and a responsibility to work together for our shared future;
*All staff and students will be able to explain what reconciliation means and why it matters; and
* Each school will take action by creating a symbol of our commitment to continuous learning and positive change on our shared journey to achieving reconciliation – Act of Reconciliation; and
*All staff and students will have a clear understanding of the significance of Orange Shirt Day.
A Tipi installation at the Administration Office will take place on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 1:30 pm. Senior Administration, Board of Trustees, Indigenous Language Instructors and staff and students from George Fitton School will be joined by members of the Brandon Urban Aboriginal Peoples Council for the official installation and unveiling of the first of three Tipis to be installed on Brandon School Division property.
Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 1:30 pm
Location: Brandon School Division Administration Office
1031 – 6th Street, Brandon
(Submitted: Brandon School Division)