Athletes, with ties to Brandon, try to stay in shape during COVID-19 threat

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Staying in shape, both physically and mentally, has become a major challenge for almost everyone these days. Gyms are closed, team practices are cancelled, and social gatherings are limited leaving everyone looking for alternative ways to stay in shape and get their workouts in. We recently dipped into our contact list to check-in with a few athletes to discover how they are currently staying active during this difficult time.

Micheal Ferland (Vancouver Canucks): I’ve just been training out of my house and doing home workouts. I have an air-bike and a treadmill I’ve been working on.

Hayley Shanks (golf, Valley City University Vikings): I think one of the biggest things now is focusing on a healthy mindset and hoping for a brighter future. Home workouts and using the tools and resources I have from Valley City are helping me stay in shape during this time.

Brock Trotter (pro-hockey player): I have been practicing yoga to keep up with my mobility, running daily for my cardiovascular health, and eating as clean as possible to boost my immune system. But, I would also recommend a spicy chicken combo from Wendys drive-thru at least twice a week.

Hans Befus (BU Bobcats): One way that I am staying fit through this situation is by running on a treadmill my parents own and also performing mini circuits in my basement. You don’t always need all the equipment and gadgets, as long as you are pushing yourself and getting a sweat, you can maintain the same fitness level as before.

Jalyn Elmes (hockey, University of Minnesota Duluth Bulldogs): During this difficult time it’s definitely been hard to keep up with a normal routine because everything is closed including the gyms. When it comes to staying in shape during this pandemic I’ve resorted to using my basement area as a small gym and running outside with my dog. It’s nothing crazy but i was able to find some old weights my dad had stored in our garage and I’ve put heavy objects (my text books) in a backpack to wear during a workout to amp things up just a little. Anything is better nothing and my oldest brother (Josh) and I have been making do with what we have. Plus my dog is loving this because he gets several outings a day. It’s definitely a challenge but staying home is the safest option and we’re completely in favor of that.

Robin Roberts (football, U of M Bisons): I have been going out for a jog daily around the block with my dog. I am also doing some calisthenics, core circuit training, and body weight exercises from the house. I would also like to get back into yoga.

Angie Ball (cross-fit): Lol hmmm Personally for me I’ve put a lot of work in to my training and having to stop isn’t an option. I’ve been training a long time and have accumulated enough equipment to set up a gym in my garage. My coach Nathan Corrigal has also changed all of my programming to fit the equipment I have and I’ve been lent some equipment from my gym Embark Fitness. What I’ve noticed since the start of the gym shut downs is most gyms are lending equipment out to their members and offering online programming, remote programming, nutrition advise and coaching. If anyone wanted to start working out or yoga now is really a great time because everyone is offering programming for free on the internet. Exercise is also a great way to forget about the things happening in the world for the hour or two you training and it’s a great stress reliever.