Brandon & District United Way Announces 2017 – 2018 Campaign Goal
The Brandon and District United Way board members, sponsors and volunteers took aim during their campaign kick off with a hockey themed delivery live from centre Ice at Westman Communications Place.
United Way Board Chair Terry Carlisle set the tone of the campaign kick off by putting things into perspective this way, “There are many people in our community who live with challenges each and every day. The Brandon and District United Way does its best to make sure that someone is there to lend a helping hand and to give these people a shot at a better life.” An estimated 1 in 3 Brandonites rely on the United Way and their services in some way shape or form. Whether it’s through Child and Family Services, CNIB, COR Enterprises, YMCA, YWCA or Helping Hands, the United Way is dedicated to identifying the greatest needs in our community and investing Community Fund dollars in evidence-based and preventative programs. All United Way partner programs and initiatives are dedicated to achieving positive results for our community and for local people in need.
In keeping with the kick off event’s hockey theme and the United Way’s key statement of this year’s campaign which is “Everyone deserves a shot at a better life”, 100 pucks were scattered onto the ice and two teams were assembled to hit the ice and shoot the pucks into the nets. Ironically each of the 100 pucks represented eight people right here in Brandon who will be relying on the United Way’s services in order to make their lives better. The teams were captained by Kevin Martin from Branstone Financial and Bob Cey of Investors Group.

Scott Hlady
This year’s campaign team takes aim at a lofty goal. In keeping with their 80th campaign the announced campaign goal was $808,080. UW Campaign Chair Scott Hlady (Former Wheat King Defenceman and Current Wheat King Equipment Manager ) said he has all the confidence in the world that this year’s team at the United Way has the ability to accomplish this tremendous financial feat. As Hlady approached the podium he also mentioned it was a bit “surreal” to be in this position as United Way campaign chair but he is excited and ready for the challenge, “I have been fortunate to have this community support me over the years on a personal level, professionally and as an athlete. Now it’s time to join the United Way team and lend a helping hand to make a difference.
Your contribution, whether it be financial, a few hours of your time to volunteer or a collection drive at your workplace, is your way to make a difference. Remember, all donations are 100% local. Money raised in our community stays in our community to help support the dozens of groups and services in Brandon such as: The John Howard Society, Canadian Diabetes Association, The Counselling Centre, MS Society of Westman Chapter, Family Visions and many more. To help out with the 2017-2018 United Way campaign please visit or or call the campaign office at 204-571-8929. Another way to help make a difference with this year’s campaign is to visit your local Tim Horton’s as their smile cookie campaign is on throughout this weekend and all monies raised through sales of smile cookies goes to the United Way Brandon. Also, watch for the next big UW event which is Brandon’s Largest Garage Sale – Fall Edition. Going into its 7th year, our fall garage sale will be held on Saturday, October 7th, 2017 at the Keystone Centre in the Manitoba Room and UCT Pavilion. With over 2000 customers and over 200 vendors at our spring garage sale, we are expecting this one to be equally as successful. At the event there will be various items for sale such as baked goods, clothing, and even some home-based businesses have started participating. Call 204-571-8929 or email for more information.