Brandon School Division 2019-2020 School Year Budget approved

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On Monday, March 11, 2019, the Board of Trustees met to review and finalize the 2019-2020 Budget and Special Levy.

The Board of Trustees gave approval to the 2019-2020 Operating and Capital Expenditures, the 2019-2020 Special Requirement and the Special Levy for 2019 as follows:

The 2019-2020 Budget results in a 0.85% increase in the Special Requirement (below the 2.0% cap set by the Minister), and a (0.39) % decrease in the mill rate for 2019 or a $(6.67) annual decrease on a typical home valued at $254,571.

Education Property Tax on a Home valued at $254,571 in 2019.

The 2019-2020 Budget also provides for the following:

  • Expected enrollment growth. The Brandon School Division is a growing division and we are expecting 9,037 students in September 2019, an increase of 115 (1.3%) students.
  • Increase of 6.05 FTE teaching positions, 6.14 FTE for enrollment growth and a reduction of (0.09) FTE non-ratio positions due to funding.
  • Increase of 0.94 FTE support staff, which includes the following; 0.90 FTE Educational Assistants (EAs) and 0.13 FTE Custodial Assistants (Coquitlam formula) due to enrollment growth and a reduction of (0.09) FTE Lunchroom Assistants.
  • A 2.4% inflationary increase is provided to the school instructional supply budgets, capital & maintenance budget and other controllable supplies and services.
  • An additional 10 FTE Educational Assistants to provide students with equitable access to quality educational experiences and service.
  • An additional Principal and School Administrative Assistant to prepare for the new Maryland Park School opening in September 2020.
  • The Division will replace four (4) buses, funds for the buses will come from the school bus capital reserve.