Brandon Secures Over 6.2 Million from HAF

The City of Brandon announces its successful application to the Housing Accelerator Fund, securing over $6.2 million in federal support. This substantial funding, disbursed in four installments of $1.5 million, will help to expedite the development of both affordable and market housing in our community.

Administered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), the Housing Accelerator Fund is an innovative program designed to assist local authorities in accelerating the creation of new housing units.

Brandon’s selection as one of the fund’s recipients was confirmed today by Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities. This announcement underscores the city’s commitment to addressing the pressing housing needs of its residents.

Mayor Jeff Fawcett expressed gratitude for the federal government’s financial assistance, stating, “This funding presents a tremendous opportunity for Brandon to meet our community’s housing demands. We are deeply appreciative of Minister Fraser and CMHC’s continued support and partnership.”

In pursuit of this funding, the City of Brandon has undertaken several strategic measures, including amending zoning by-laws, incentivizing downtown housing development, and providing grants for affordable housing projects.

Detailed information about these initiatives is available at accelerator-fund.