Brandon’s newest gas bar opens today


As of March 10th, 2022 Westman has a new option when they head to the pumps. The Gambler First Nations Gas and Convenience Bar is now open on 18th Street.

The Western Nations Gas Bar in Brandon is a project years in the making with hopes of benefitting both resident and non-resident Members of Gambler First Nation, while also improving financial diversity.

Gambler First Nation Chief David Ledoux shared, “I am excited that Gambler First Nation is uniting with the Business world! ReconciliACTION and networking will benefit not only our members and project partners, but the public at large as well.”.

Heritage Co-op will supply and support day-to-day operations of the facility on behalf of Gambler First Nation. This strategic partnership is a first of its kind for both Gambler First Nation and Heritage Co-op. This collaboration is a unique community building opportunity which benefits the economic wellness and long-term sustainability of both partners.

The Western Nations Gas Bar is welcoming everyone to the pumps for opening day – Chief LeDoux will purchase coffee for the first hundred guests. Fuel up on March 10th for a chance to win four tickets to the March 19th Wheat Kings Game. Those that gas up the first week will also be able to enter to win a month of free car washes from Co-op.
