19.2 C
Brandon, CA
Saturday, June 22, 2024

Tips for managing your rent

When we’re kids all we want to do is celebrate more birthday’s and be older than what we are. When we actually become adults, many of us long for the easy, playful, simple days of when we were kids. Adulting is hard. There are always so many things to think about — work responsibilities, relationship…

A Very Bohemian Christmas Sale

BRANDON, Manitoba, November 8 — Bohemian Rhapsody announces the 3rd Annual A Very Bohemian Christmas Sale.  After two previous successful sales, Bohemian Rhapsody has teamed up with nine other local Artisans and Makers for a unique and “Bohemian” Christmas sale. The sale will consist of ten curated local vendors selling items from jewellery, pottery, children’s…

Keeping it cool with your roommate

It’s the beginning of November and you’ve been in school for nearly two months now and have likely settled into a good routine of getting to class on time, scheduling your part-time job around your classes and finding time to keep up with your assignments and reading.   It’s also been around two months since…

Halloween food drive raises over 5300lbs of food

The annual Halloween Food Drive, hosted by ACC Students' Association and partners,  brought in 5300 pounds of food for the Samaritan House this year. A great success! Thank you to everyone who supported the event, volunteered, and everyone who donated! A special thanks to Dr. Robert Ward and Smiles Specialty Centre for his donation of…

Brandon yards decorated for Halloween

As the wind howls and the treat bags are filled, parents and their children are making last minutes preparations on the eve of Halloween. There are pumpkins to carve, seeds to roast, cookies to bake, and last minute costume adjustments to make. The excitement for All Hallow’s Eve is hardly bearable! Throughout the city, the…
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