Sunday, March 9, 2025
HomeArts & LifeLifestyles (Page 44)

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

Rotary Villas Bigger & Better

Brandon Bits and Bites Issue # 7

WCHA adds new hockey program

Hawryluk moves up the ladder

Manitoba Government to Pull American Alcohol Products Off Shelves

Brandon Bits and Bites – Issue 6

Meals2Go Expands to Brandon, Manitoba

Community Connection: 20 Questions with Bearded Trevor

Occasionally we here at bdnmb.ca reference "Bearded Trevor" on some of our Facebook posts, as he has been known to lend us a hand or two when required. Quite often we are then asked "who is Bearded Trevor?".  Therefore, today we wanted to take the time to introduce you to Trevor Jahns.  Trevor is employed as a Business Development Representative at Westman Communications Group. He lives in Rivers with his lovely wife Jemma. Trevor was also the awesome host of the first ever Food Truck Warz video. First job: Shop helper at Redfern’s Farm Services in Rivers. Axe throwing or escape room: I haven’t been to either, but I would have to say escape room since I would rather do something where I have to think instead of physically doing something. Who was your childhood celebrity crush: Elisha Cuthbert What’s something you don’t know, but want to learn: I would like to learn how to DJ. Like actual DJing where you mix and scratch and not the new kind of DJing where you press a button on a laptop and fist pump to The Chainsmokers. What could you give a 30-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation: The Frustration and Heartbreak of Being a Die Hard Minnesota Vikings Fan. What’s your go-to meal when cooking: My only cooking skill is BBQing, so it would have to be something on the BBQ. Either burgers, ribs or steak. You've got friends visiting Brandon for the first time, where are you taking them: Load them into a vehicle and drive 20 minutes north to Tempo Place Emporium in Rivers for some wings. Which of the following TV shows do you believe you have the best odds of winning: Survivor, Big Brother, The Voice, Guys Grocery Games, American Ninja Warrior, Project Runway, or Alone:  None of them, but I guess I had to pick one, it would be Big Brother because there is some sitting on the couch in a house just playing mind games with people. I would take that over any of those other ones. If you had a personal flag, what would be on it: Wow that’s a tough one. I would probably say it would be a Viking standing in a wrestling ring. The Viking would be wearing Jordan Retro 3 Cements. Then on the side of the ring would be the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy Batman Logo. That’s probably too specific, but oh well that’s my flag. Three apps you cannot live without: Twitter, Apple Music and eBrandon. A film you’d watch again tonight: There are a few, but the main one that I can watch again and again and not get tired of is the Social Network You are a big wrestling fan. Name a coworker at Westman who would make the most convincing pro wrestler: It’s tough to say if anyone here has all the skills to be a good pro wrestler, but I think I would have to say Scott. Brandon's best lunch buffet: Shawarma Queen A place you’ve never been that you would like to visit: My honeymoon was supposed to be in New York City and we never got there, so it would have to there. How excited were you when you found you that DQ was opening a Grill & Chill in Brandon: On a scale of 1-10, it would have to be 11. What movie title best describes your life: Life is Beautiful What fictional place would you most like to go: Wakanda Your dream golfing foursome includes yourself and these three people: The Rock, Justin Timberlake and my Dad, because the thought of him golfing makes me laugh. Who’s your go to band or artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to: It usually depends on my mood, but an album that I can throw on and listen to anytime and enjoy is My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West You have the opportunity to interview Brandon mayor Rick Crest, what is the first question you would ask him: I know this guy Darryl who keeps saying how much he wants a Costco in Brandon, so on behalf of him, is there something you can do to bring a Costco to Brandon?

53rd annual Brandon Home & Leisure Show runs April 5-7

The 53rd annual Brandon Home and Leisure Show returns to Brandon this weekend at the Keystone Centre. The event is the perfect opportunity to get some great advice, design ideas and view the wide array of products/services from the nearly 200 exhibitors expected to be on-hand. These exhibitors will be showcasing the many services they offer from home building, contracting, home furnishings, design, kitchen & bath, outdoor leisure products, renovations, landscaping, equipment rentals and more! Various food vendors will be onsite offering meals, snacks and other refreshments. The 2019 show is certain to offer a wonderful experience for its many thousands of visitors. General admission is $10 per person, $8 for seniors, and children under 12 are free (when accompanied by an adult). Show Hours  April 5 - 7, 2019: Friday – 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm Saturday - 10:00 am to 8:00 pm Sunday – 12 Noon to 5:00 pm Brandon Home & Leisure Web Site

One day only, Brandon Pop Up Wedding Dress Sale

A one day only pop up Bridal Sale (Opportunity Bridal) selling only new wedding dresses and accessories (veils, belts, sashes, tiaras etc) for the bride is scheduled to take place at the Victoria Inn on Sunday, April 28. Hundreds of wedding dresses, from some of the best international designers, will be on sale with prices ranging from $199-$999. Dresses (500+) are stocked in a wide array of sizes (from 2-28) and will be available on a first come, first served basis. The sale travels with change rooms and lots of mirrors. The Brandon sale runs from 9am - 4pm with last admittance at 2:30pm. A link to the Facebook event page can be found here.

Minnedosa Welcomes Manitoba’s First Floating Inflatable Waterpark

A hot new summer attraction is coming to Minnedosa Beach this summer. Splish Splash Water Park are in the works to locate a 100-person floating inflatable waterpark on Minnedosa Lake with an opening date targeted for late June 2019. “It’s an inflatable water park, like a floating obstacle course out on the water” said Gerry Champagne, owner of Calgary’s Splish Splash Water Park. “These parks are found in Canada and across the world, but there is none in the prairies at this time; to be the first and only water park in the province is an incredible opportunity for both Splish Splash and for the community of Minnedosa.” Champagne first approached Travel Manitoba for help finding suitable communities in the province, where it was presented to Minnedosa’s Economic Development Officer, Chantelle Parrott who jumped at the idea. Similar attractions elsewhere have proven immensely popular and successful at bringing in tourist numbers. “Tourism is very important for our local economy, and the investment into our community is more than welcome. This leverages the lake and really complements our existing tourism offering. It’s a fantastic way to draw people to town, hopefully visitors will make the most of everything Minnedosa has to offer while they’re here.” stated Parrott. Champagne has been working diligently to obtain approval to locate the structure in Minnedosa Lake which includes various municipal, provincial, and federal agencies, in time to have the structure custom built by the manufacturer, and shipped from the UK in time for summer 2019. The Town of Minnedosa authorized access to the beach, while the federal Department of Oceans and Fisheries completed an environmental assessment prior to authorizing the project. Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT) have now granted the final approval for the business to place the structure in the water this June. Champagne said the business would be open daily during the summer, with regular hours from June to Labour Day. Strict safety requirements are enforced, including mandatory life jackets and qualified lifeguards on duty; certified lifeguards are encouraged to apply for this exciting summer job as soon as possible. “Splish Splash Water Park will bring a unique and exciting attraction to Minnedosa for both locals and visitors alike. We’re looking forward to working with the Town of Minnedosa and hoping for a fantastic summer at the beach, having fun in the sun, and making memories, that’s really what we’re doing here.”
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Community Connection: 20 Questions With Ashleigh Hamm

Ashleigh is a Digital Marketing Specialist and owns Create Marketing, a digital marketing agency located in Brandon, Manitoba. She helps local business thrive online. Website: www.createmarketing.ca Email: hello@createmarketing.ca Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Createmarketing.ca/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/createmarketing.ca/ First job: I cleaned rooms at a little motel called The Maple Leaf in my hometown when I was 14. Years lived in Brandon: I moved to Brandon in 2001 so, 18 years! Wow, time flies.  Your fast food guilty pleasure: A&W Buddy Burger (add cheese)  What’s something you don’t know, but want to learn: To speak Spanish and/or French. Which of the following TV shows do you believe you have the best odds of winning: Survivor, Big Brother, The Voice, Guys Grocery Games, American Ninja Warrior, Project Runway, or Alone:Toss up between Survivor or American Ninja Warrior. (Says the girl that hasn’t been to the gym in years.) Backyard BBQ or Formal Dinner: Backyard BBQ You've got friends visiting Brandon for the first time, where are you taking them: River tubing down the Little Saskatchewan and Ice Cream at Velvet Dip What movie title best describes your life: Legally Blonde When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with. Technical Support. (Their phone is out of space, email stopped working, etc.) Three apps you cannot live without: BUSINESS: MileIQ - AMAZING for tracking mileage. Evernote - Organizing my life! Dropbox - File sharing dream! PERSONAL: Instagram Medium Snapchat A film you’d watch again tonight: Step Brothers or Bridesmaids The last adventure you went on: Costa Rica! We got married there last February. What songs have you completely memorized: Haha too many to list but a few off the top of my head. Wilson Philips - Hold On Sinead O’Connor - Nothing compares to you George Ezra - Shotgun Baby Shark Old McDonald had a farm. What accomplishment in your career are you most proud of to date: Finally starting my own business. The single best day on the calendar each year: July 13th - My son and hubbies birthdays! Hobbies: Volleyball,  Photography, Yoga What could you give a 30-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation: I feel like there are a few things I could do in this situation.  Business Marketing Basics Customer Service in the Service Industry (I’ve also worked in the service industry for over 20 years, yikes.) How to cook dinner while entertaining a toddler. Dream dinner party guests: Oprah,  Jillian Harris, My late Grandma Dorothy What role do you think social media plays in business today: I think it is a major aspect of business especially in the B2C world, however, it is defiantly not the only digital (or traditional) platform of importance. Understanding where and how your target audience spends their time online will be a great advantage to any business when planning your marketing goals. Describe Brandon in one word: Welcoming