Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeArts & LifeLifestyles (Page 49)

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

Rotary Villas Bigger & Better

Brandon Bits and Bites Issue # 7

WCHA adds new hockey program

Hawryluk moves up the ladder

Manitoba Government to Pull American Alcohol Products Off Shelves

Brandon Bits and Bites – Issue 6

Meals2Go Expands to Brandon, Manitoba

A Very Bohemian Christmas Sale

BRANDON, Manitoba, November 8 — Bohemian Rhapsody announces the 3rd Annual A Very Bohemian Christmas Sale.  After two previous successful sales, Bohemian Rhapsody has teamed up with nine other local Artisans and Makers for a unique and “Bohemian” Christmas sale. The sale will consist of ten curated local vendors selling items from jewellery, pottery, children’s clothing, skin care, henna designs and products and home decor.   The event will include free parking, free coat check, free beverages and a Food Truck with great food and coffee for sale.  There will also be a $1 draw with individual prizes from each vendor with proceeds going to Samaritan House in Brandon. “We have put together an eclectic group of artisans and makers and added a Food Truck to this years’ sale to set us apart from some of the other sales in the area.”  Says Karen Numrich of Bohemian Rhapsody. A Very Bohemian Christmas Sale starts at 3:00PM and runs until 8:00pm on Saturday, November 17th.  It is located in the Medallion Room, Building Refit Store, 23 - 12th Street in Brandon. The sale will include vendors; Bohemian Rhapsody, TECK, Lavender Blue Henna, Kunai Kids, C&D Designs, Hazel + Blue Co., Dandy Wee Strings, Gee Natural Skin Care, Naturally Imperfect Concrete, Magpie Pottery & Fine Art. Visitors should use Pacific Avenue and the lanes to access the sale during the Santa Parade (which runs from 5:00pm - 7:00pm).

Keeping it cool with your roommate

It’s the beginning of November and you’ve been in school for nearly two months now and have likely settled into a good routine of getting to class on time, scheduling your part-time job around your classes and finding time to keep up with your assignments and reading.   It’s also been around two months since you and your roommate have moved in together and there’s a slight chance that the honeymoon phase is already over.   Do they never, ever replace the toilet paper roll, is there streaks of toothpaste left all over the bathroom sink, does it always seem like when you’re craving yogurt the last one is always gone?   Whether it’s a family member, your best friend or an acquaintance, getting used to living with someone else in an 800 square foot apartment can be a challenge. You might be a neat freak, they might enjoy living in chaos and filth; you may hate to cook while they love it; you might like to relax in peace and quiet in your spare time and they might prefer to blast their movie, music or video game so the neighbours four doors down can hear it as well.   Whatever the situation, the best way to keep your cool and ensure a good, long lasting rooming situation is to communicate. And, it might be helpful to draw up a fun (but yet, serious)  contract. Put some rules in place and work together on rectifying small concerns that could eventually turn into major blow-ups.   By communicating and managing expectations, it is possible to live in harmony. Some additional tips on how to maintain a peaceful, enjoyable and fun living arrangement are:   If it seems as though one person is eating all the food, store things separately and buy all your own food. Keep things organized by having cupboards and shelves in the refrigerator that are designated for each person. If cleanliness is becoming a sore spot, then create a schedule for vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom and washing dishes. If everyone knows what is expected of them, then it’s easier to make a point of cleaning rather than just ignoring it and assuming that your roommate with a passion for the mop will take care of it. Know each other’s schedules. If you know that your roommate is working on Tuesday, then plan to stay in that night and enjoy your quiet, alone time. Remember to respect each other’s privacy. If you each have a bedroom, consider making a rule that this space is private, off limits and your own domain. Discuss who will claim the rent on their personal income tax return, only one person per household can claim the $700 education property tax credit. This may involve negotiating an equalization payment between roommates once the tax refunds are issued. Set rules involving company. If you have a buddy crash on the couch for a day or two, even a week that’s cool. Any more than that and that this person may be considered a roommate, but one who is not contributing to the rent! Don’t be afraid to speak up and voice your concerns, but also ask your roommate what bugs them as well. No one is perfect and like any relationship, being a good roommate is about give and take.   Vionell Holdings Partnership (VHP) provides rental housing and property management for an array of residential and commercial customers, including Condominium Management. VHP currently has nearly 4,000 units under management in Manitoba. For more information please visit www.vhproperties.ca.

Halloween food drive raises over 5300lbs of food

The annual Halloween Food Drive, hosted by ACC Students' Association and partners,  brought in 5300 pounds of food for the Samaritan House this year. A great success! Thank you to everyone who supported the event, volunteered, and everyone who donated! A special thanks to Dr. Robert Ward and Smiles Specialty Centre for his donation of 2100 lbs of food to help us bring our weight of food over the 5000 lbs donated to the Samaritan House last year. A&W Rootbeer Holdings not only covered 3 routes, with 19 volunteers, but also sponsored 4000 rootbeers which were given to people who donated food on the evening of the Halloween Food Drive.  Progressive Sanitation provided 11 vans/trucks that evening to transport the food donations to the Samaritan House, who kept their doors open late into the evening for the food donations to be dropped off.   Heritage Co-op provided hot chocolate and coffee for volunteers on the evening of the event Halloween Food Drive Partners: ACC Students' Association ACC Cougars Progressive Sanitation A&W Rootbeer Holdings Smiles Specialty Centre Heritage Co-op Samaritan House Westoba Riverbank Discovery Centre Telus Paramount Real Westman CKLQ News Star FM Westman Journal Brandon Sun BUSU BU Bobcats BDNMB.CA Leech Printing & more!!

Brandon yards decorated for Halloween

As the wind howls and the treat bags are filled, parents and their children are making last minutes preparations on the eve of Halloween. There are pumpkins to carve, seeds to roast, cookies to bake, and last minute costume adjustments to make. The excitement for All Hallow’s Eve is hardly bearable! Throughout the city, the scenes are set for a spooky and delightful Halloween and we captured a few of them to share with you. Be on the watch for scary ghosts, creepy goblins, and wicked witches - they’ll be comin’ a knockin’ tomorrow as daylight fades into darkness. Happy Halloween!

New Rental Property in Portage la Prairie

Portage la Prairie is the fifth largest city in Manitoba that was originally built as a fur trading post. It is known as the Strawberry Capital of the World, home to the Portage Terriers, and the community welcomes people from all over who come to use their popular recreational facilities located at Island Park. Vionell Holdings is pleased to announce that it will also be home to a brand new 128 unit rental community that will be located in close proximity to Arthur Meighen School. While decisions on how and where to invest in housing properties often involve number crunching, there are many other considerations that come into play. Although Vionell Holdings is based in Brandon, there are many reasons as to why this family-owned property management firm is excited to enter the market in Portage la Prairie. While strong economic growth in this central region of the province is a factor, other reasons for branching out into this market include:   There is a great group of local investors that have a shared vision of the new project. The general belief is that new housing options will have a positive effect on the city as a whole. With the new expansion at Simplot and the construction of a pea processing plant, many new jobs have and will be created in the city. Add this to a number of value-added agricultural jobs that already exist and there is plenty of potential for economic growth and development. City administration (especially the planning department) and city council members have been integral and helpful in getting this project off the ground. Even though the community is progressive, there are very few rental units that have been added to the market in the last 20 years. This means that we expect that there will very likely be a lot of interest in the new rentals and demand will be strong. Portage la Prairie has invested in great recreational and medical clinic facilities, which makes the community a great place to work, play and raise a family. And, in case you didn’t know, this small city is home to the world’s best hamburger. But, don’t take my word for it, visit Jimmy’s Submarine and Dairy Delight to find out for yourself! As we continue to make plans for the new rental property, we want to keep the community informed as well. As such, Vionell Holdings will be hosting an information session on Thursday, November 22 at 10 a.m. at Stride Place in Portage la Prairie. See you there!   Vionell Holdings Partnership (VHP) provides rental housing and property management for an array of residential and commercial customers, including Condominium Management. VHP currently has nearly 4,000 units under management in Manitoba. For more information please visit www.vhproperties.ca. VHP has committed to constructing 128 multifamily residential units in Portage la Prairie that will be ready for occupancy in fall of 2019.