17.2 C
Brandon, CA
Friday, May 31, 2024

Doorsteps in Brandon and area are being hit by ninjas

A new trend making the way across the country involves people putting together gift baskets of goodies to leave on strangers doorsteps, with a tagline of "You've been ninja'd". The concept is essentially to deliver a gift basket to someone's doorstep, ring the doorbell, and then disappear quickly without being seen (like a ninja), in…

Explore New Online Hobbies

Finding new ways to entertain yourself at home is never a bad idea. As we’ve now come to appreciate in a more real way than ever before, the variety and capacity of online communities is truly astonishing. Regardless of what it is you’re looking to try your hand at, chances are you’ll be able to…

Lepp Sisters Changing the Face of Farming

If you were to pull into any farmyard in Westman and take a peek in the front closet, you'd likely see some plaid, a few pairs of coveralls, and a dusty old ballcap, all part of the uniform for the stereotypical farmer. At first glance, the Lepp sisters Cassandra and Stefanie may not fit the…

Impressive support shown for today’s Rollin Covid Appreciation Tour

A large number of both vehicles and spectators turned out to participate and witness the Brandon and Area Car Enthusiasts cruise held earlier this afternoon. Vehicles traveled along three different routes in the city, in support of all essential workers. [caption id="attachment_81217" align="aligncenter" width="2272"] Rollin Covid Appreciation Tour[/caption] [caption id="attachment_81219" align="aligncenter" width="2272"] Rollin Covid Appreciation Tour[/caption]…

Province Announces Staggered Campground Bookings to Resume May 4

Reservations for Manitoba campgrounds open next week and staggered dates will be offered to make it easier for outdoor enthusiasts to book a site at their favourite campground, Conservation and Climate Minister Sarah Guillemard announced today. “We thank Manitobans for their commitment in acting on the advice our health-care experts to stay home for the…
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