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Sunday, June 9, 2024
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Local Business News

Hungry? Uber Eats is now in Brandon

There is a new way to get local restaurant food delivered to your door.  Uber Eats has recently launched in the Wheat City. People can use the app to order meals, desserts and late-night snacks from restaurants and have the items delivered directly to their location. Several local restaurants have already partnered with the app…

Peters donate $10 million to ACC

Assiniboine Community College’s School of Business took a major leap today, introducing the Peters School of Business. As part of the plan for continued growth, the Board of Governors made the decision to name the School of Business in honour of well-known community and business leaders, and long-time college champions, Gord and Diane Peters.  …

Keystone Centre Introduces New Logo

The Keystone Centre has unveiled a brand new logo as part of its 50th anniversary celebration. The new logo, designed in partnership with Leech Group, features a K dressed in the outline of a star. The departure from the previous Keystone Centre logo has taken immediate effect. “Our new logo, in the shape of a…

Leech Group donates $100,000 to ACC’s creative media centre

Assiniboine Community College’s Centre for Creative Media (CCM), one of the college’s newest learning spaces, has received a $100,000 donation from the Leech Group and family, commemorating their upcoming 100th year in business.   This generous contribution made by the local print and digital media company and the Leech family includes $75,000 toward the Centre…

F1 comes to Brandon

Brandon’s Brent Campbell has a vision for bringing to the people of Brandon and Western Manitoba a life like F1 driving experience. Introducing The Focus located on 10th Street. People are always looking for something different to do and Campbell’s business www.focus.ca offers adults and parents looking for new birthday party ideas. Sitting in the…
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