City Hires Next Director of Economic Development
May 1, 2023
After a nation-wide search, the City of Brandon has found their next Director of Economic Development close to home. Gerald Cathcart has been selected to lead Brandon’s Economic Development Department.
Mr. Cathcart comes to the City from Assiniboine Community College where he was their Director of Community Development, building and managing programs throughout the western half of Manitoba.
Mr. Cathcart is no stranger to the City of Brandon having been the Business Development Specialist from 2007 to 2014. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree, has extensive training in leadership and community economic development, and has been involved in multiple boards and organizations throughout our community. To present and future businesses, Mr. Cathcart says, “Brandon has much to offer including opportunities for existing business to expand and new business to call us home. Working closely with community partners, understanding any barriers to growth will be a priority."
“It is imperative that the City works lock-in-step with our businesses and community partners in building our economy,” says City Manager Ron Bowles. “Nowadays, economic development is much more holistic than strictly jobs and taxes, encompassing our educational institutes, government agencies, Indigenous peoples, newcomers, events, supply chains, and developers. The diversity of Brandon’s economy across multiple sectors provides many opportunities for collaboration. We work with them all.”