Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeLocal News (Page 498)

Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 9, 2025

Seven hundred dollars worth of unpaid merchandise recovered, suspects arrested

Crime Stoppers Wanted and Crime of the Week for March 7, 2025

Project STEEL leads to the arrest of 106 online child sex offenders

Reported stabbing downtown, 2 suspects arrested

Brutal Assault and Robbery in Downtown Business: Four Youths Arrested

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

Late night “shopper” tracked by K9 and busted with shopping cart full of stolen liquor

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Brandon police nab three suspected impaired drivers

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release Three (3)  impaired drivers were arrested in the past 24 hours. The first impaired driver, a 68-year old Brandon woman was arrested just past 11:00 AM Friday morning after being stopped by police in the 3400 Block of Victoria Avenue. She displayed the usual signs of intoxication and provided breath samples of more than two (2) times the legal limit. She will appear in court on January 3rd to be charged with impaired driving. The second impaired driver, a 28-year old Brandon man was arrested just past 10:00 PM last night in the 500 Block of McDiarmid Drive. He displayed the usual signs of intoxication, however refused to provide breath samples. He will appear in court this morning charged with impaired driving. The third impaired driver, an 18-year old Minnedosa man was arrested just 4:30 AM this morning in the 1800 Block of Richmond Avenue. He displayed the usual signs of intoxication and provided breath samples of more than two (2) times the legal limit. He will appear in court on January 10th to be charged with impaired driving.
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City of Brandon 2018/2019 Christmas and New Year’s Holiday Hours

Please be advised of the following 2018/2019 Christmas and New Year’s Holiday Hours of Operation for the City of Brandon: Brandon City Hall (410-9th St.), the A.R. McDiarmid Civic Complex (638 Princess Avenue), the Civic Services Complex (900 Richmond Avenue East), the Parks Complex (2020 McGregor Avenue) and Cemetery Office, and Brandon’s Community Sportsplex (30 Knowlton Drive) will all be closed on Tuesday, December 25th and Wednesday, December 26th to mark Christmas Day and Boxing Day. All of these facilities will re-open for regular business hours on Thursday, December 27th. Brandon City Hall, the A.R. McDiarmid Civic Complex, the Civic Services Complex, the Parks Complex and Cemetery Office, and Brandon’s Community Sportsplex will also all be closed on Tuesday, January 1st, in recognition of New Year’s Day, and will re-open for regular business hours on Wednesday, January 2nd.   BRANDON TRANSIT: On Monday, December 24th, Brandon Transit will operate from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Regular Brandon Transit Routes will NOT be running on Tuesday, December 25th; HOWEVER, Brandon Transit is pleased to offer a fixed route for those attending the Westman Traditional Christmas Dinner. Bus service will be available on two fixed routes to and from the Victoria Inn (3550 Victoria Avenue) from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Christmas Day. A map of the routes can be found on the Brandon Transit website here: http://www.brandontransit.ca/events. Handi Transit is also available to transport individuals to and from the Westman Traditional Christmas Dinner through the regular booking process. Brandon Transit services will then run on statutory holiday hours (9 a.m. to 7 p.m.) on Wednesday, December 26th. The Brandon Transit Info Centre will be CLOSED on December 25th, December 26th and January 1st. Brandon Transit routes can be found here: http://www.brandontransit.ca/routes-schedules/regular-routes-schedules. A reminder to all that FREE New Year's Eve bus service will being offered from 6 p.m. on Dec.31st to 3 a.m. on January 1st! Regular Brandon Transit Routes will NOT be running on Tuesday, January 1, 2019. Visit the above link for more details.   SANITATION: Refuse and recycling collection will be slightly modified to observe that Christmas Day & New Year’s Day both fall on a Tuesday this year. Collection that would have occurred on Tuesday, December 25th will take place on Saturday, December 29th; while collection that would have occurred on Tuesday, January 1st will take place on Saturday, January 5th. NO other regular collection days will be impacted, and regular Tuesday collection will resume on January 8th, 2019. Regular winter hours of operation (Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m) will be in effect at the Eastview Landfill Site and Material Recovery Facility during the Christmas holiday, EXCEPT for the following days: Tuesday, December 25th – CLOSED Wednesday, December 26th – CLOSED Tuesday, January 1st – CLOSED For all after-hours Public Works emergencies, residents are encouraged to call 204-729-2285. HAVE A VERY SAFE AND MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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Manitoba adds 79 new drugs to province’s pharmacare program

The Manitoba government has added 79 drugs to the provincial drug formulary to ensure patients have access to these medications through the Manitoba Pharmacare Program, announced Health, Seniors and Active Living Minister Cameron Friesen today. “Medications are important treatments for many different illnesses and diseases,” said Friesen.  “Manitoba’s universal prescription drug benefit program is one of the most comprehensive in the country and these new additions will help families across the province access drug coverage through the program.” Some of the new drugs added to the formulary include: •    Actikerall for the treatment of a skin disorder called hyperkeratotic actinic keratosis; •    Dysport Therapeutic for the treatment of lower limb spasticity; •    Kyleena for conception control; •    Lancora for the treatment of heart failure; •    Revestive for the treatment of short bowel syndrome (SBS); and •    Spinraza for Type 1 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Of the 79 drugs added, 73 are generic medications at different strengths.  The minister said the additions reduce the amount that would have otherwise been spent on higher-cost equivalent drugs by $350,000 annually, allowing that money to be reallocated to coverage for new drugs. Coverage for the new drugs will be effective on Jan. 24, 2019. The minister noted the addition of Actikerall, Dysport Therapeutic, Kyleena, Lancora, Revestive and Spinraza are a direct result of Manitoba’s participation in the pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (pCPA).  By capitalizing on the combined negotiating power of drug plans across multiple provinces and territories, the pCPA objectives are to: •    increase access to clinically effective and cost-effective drug treatment options; •    achieve consistent and lower drug costs for participating jurisdictions; •    reduce duplication of effort and improve use of resources; and •    improve consistency of decisions among participating jurisdictions. The Manitoba Drug Benefits and Interchangeability Formulary lists therapeutically effective drugs of proven high quality that have been approved as eligible benefits under the pharmacare drug benefit program.  Manitoba pharmacare is based on family income and covers 100 per cent of eligible drug costs once the income-based deductible is reached, regardless of medical condition or age. For more information on the Manitoba Pharmacare Program, visit www.gov.mb.ca/health/pharmacare.
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Brandon Police arrest man with Canada Wide Warrant

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release On December 20th, 2018, at 12:22am police observed a 24 year old male in an argument outside of a business in the 1100’ block of Princess Ave. The male provided police with a false name and was identified by an officer at the scene. The male was found to have a Canada Wide Warrant of Apprehension & Suspension. When police attempted to place him under arrest he began to fight the officers. Once arrested, he was found in possession of 13.5 grams of meth as well as other drug trafficking materials. The male was lodged at BCC for court on December 20th, 2018.
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Police: Brandon man charged for allegedly trafficking meth, cocaine

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release On December 19th, 2018, at 12:09am, police executed a search warrant on a hotel room in the 100’ block of Braecrest Drive. Located during the search was approximately one ounce of cocaine ($3000 value) and one ounce of meth ($5000 value). A 49 year old Brandon man was charged with trafficking meth, trafficking cocaine, Breach of Recognizance, and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime. A 27 year old Brandon female who was also present was charged with Breach of Recognizance for not complying with a curfew condition. Both were lodged at BCC for court on December 19th, 2018.