Monday, March 10, 2025
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Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 9, 2025

Seven hundred dollars worth of unpaid merchandise recovered, suspects arrested

Crime Stoppers Wanted and Crime of the Week for March 7, 2025

Project STEEL leads to the arrest of 106 online child sex offenders

Reported stabbing downtown, 2 suspects arrested

Brutal Assault and Robbery in Downtown Business: Four Youths Arrested

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

Late night “shopper” tracked by K9 and busted with shopping cart full of stolen liquor

MBA program at Assiniboine starts in January

The MBA program that Assiniboine Community College and Cape Breton University (CBU) are partnering to deliver is set to kick off on January 11, 2019. The two institutions jointly announced the partnership in June this past year to deliver CBU’s Master of Business Administration in Community Economic Development at Assiniboine. “We’re thrilled to be at this milestone with our partners at CBU,” said Bobbie Robertson, Dean of Business at Assiniboine. “Continuing to advance business education offerings at Assiniboine is a priority within our School of Business, and partnerships such as this are one of the ways to present more opportunities for Manitobans.” CBU’s MBA in Community Economic Development blends curriculum found in traditional MBA programs with an emphasis on economic development, leadership, change management, and governance. “The program is designed for working people who need the flexibility to balance work, family and their studies,” said Barrie Riome, Director of the MBA program at CBU’s Shannon School of Business. He noted that face-to-face classes are scheduled over approximately 16 weekends a year. CBU offers its unique MBA degree in eight cities across Canada: Edmonton, Calgary, Kingston, Toronto, Brandon, Saskatoon, Whitehorse, and Sydney, with a 15-year track record delivering the program outside the CBU main campus. CBU continues to accept applications for the MBA program. Those interested in learning more may visit cbu.ca/mba.

Police charge man, at the hospital, who was allegedly in possession of a large machete style knife

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release At about 2:00 PM Sunday afternoon, security at the hospital requested Police assistance in removing a male visitor, who was acting in an aggressive manner. The 34 year-old male, who is a Brandon resident, was intoxicated on a substance and very aggressive towards Police and security. It was learned that he was the subject of warrants for arrest for assault with a weapon and failing to attend court. He was advised that he was under arrest for the warrants and resisted police. The accused was wearing numerous large winter jackets at the time of the arrest and inside the jacket, he had a large machete style knife, which he dropped during the struggle. The accused was lodged at Brandon Correctional Centre and will appear in court today facing the charges from the arrest warrants as well as new charges including possession of a weapon for dangerous purpose, carry a concealed weapon, and resisting arrest.
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Brandon police nab suspect allegedly obtaining fraudulent gift cards

Source: Brandon Police Service Media Release A 44 year old Brandon Male has been charged as part of an ongoing investigation into acquisition of fraudulently obtained gift cards.  Investigation has revealed that the male fraudulently obtained $1100 worth of gift cards from a local businesses.  He has been released on a Promise to Appear in court on January 10th 2019 to answer to charges of Fraud Under $5000 X3, Possession of Property Obtained by Crime X3, and Fraudulent use of a Credit Card X3.  
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City of Brandon Accepting Feedback on Proposed Private Radio Network Tower Site

Brandon, MB – The City of Brandon is currently accepting public feedback on a pair of site options for the installation of a single monopole tower for a private radio network to be used by employees within its Operational Services Division. The City of Brandon delivers a wide range of programs and services to the community via its Operational Services Division, more specifically the frontline services provided by Brandon Transit, the Sanitation, Sewer and Water, and Streets and Roads Sections of the Public Works Department, and the Parks and In-City Maintenance Sections of the Community Services Department. In order to ensure its employees can safely communicate while conducting their work at locations across the community, the City of Brandon is proposing to create a cost-effective private radio network. In order to accommodate this technology, the City is proposing to install a total of one (1) radio monopole at one (1) of following municipally-owned locations: on the south side grounds adjacent to Brandon City Hall (410-9th Street), or on the southwest grounds at the rear of the A.R. McDiarmid Civic Complex (638 Princess Avenue). Typically, the overall height of such a monopole is approximately 120 feet. The project is anticipated to lower the City of Brandon’s radio communications costs and have an approximate payback of 3 to 4 years on an expected 15-year life cycle. Public Feedback on the proposed location options will be accepted between November 13th, 2018 and December 12th, 2018, via the following methods (all questions or comments will be responded to within 60 days): Email – feedback@brandon.ca Telephone – 204-729-2238 Letter Mail - Jason Kelusky, Manager of Information Technology, City of Brandon, 410 – 9th Street, Brandon, MB, R7A 6A2 A come-and-go public open house will also be held on Wednesday, November 28th, 2018, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. within the Brandon Design Studio Space of the Brandon Cultural Resource Centre at the A.R. McDiarmid Civic Complex (638 Princess Avenue, East Entrance). Interested community members are encouraged to attend to view visual renderings of the proposed location options, see the project plans, ask questions, and provide feedback. If an individual is unable to attend, but has specific questions about the proposed project, they may email feedback@brandon.ca. For additional information about monopole systems, visit the Government of Canada website at www.ic.gc.ca/towers.
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Pair of residential B & E’s reported to BPS Friday night

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release Police received a report that an unlocked garage was unlawfully entered in the 1000blk of 1ststreet.  No damage was done however a blue Classic Cruiser style bicycle has been stolen.  This incident is still under investigation. A 42 year old male has been arrested after police received a report that he had broke into a residence on Evergreen Place.  The male who was under the influence of Meth was located in the area with items stolen from the residence.  The male will appear in court November 17, 2018.