Tuesday, March 11, 2025
HomeLocal News (Page 514)

Possession of Dangerous Weapon, Carry Concealed Weapon

Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 9, 2025

Seven hundred dollars worth of unpaid merchandise recovered, suspects arrested

Crime Stoppers Wanted and Crime of the Week for March 7, 2025

Project STEEL leads to the arrest of 106 online child sex offenders

Reported stabbing downtown, 2 suspects arrested

Brutal Assault and Robbery in Downtown Business: Four Youths Arrested

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

Wheelchair Sports Thriving

Do you ever think to yourself “there is something missing” or “I wish there was more I could do”? I certainly have! For years I have been missing out on sports and leisure activities that I used to love so much! I used to play soccer, football, badminton, and many other sports. Sports were a big part of my life. We all need connection with people, leisure activities, and exercise for our physical and mental wellbeing. For me, sports was the answer. I broke my neck and my back in an accident in 1999 which left me as a person with incomplete quadriplegia. I walk slowly with a cane which seems to have left me caught in between two worlds. I did not see myself as an avid wheelchair user that could participate in wheelchair sports nor did I see myself as a person who had the ability to stand and participate in any sort of sport. Part of me lacked the confidence as well and another part did not even know how to start. Was I really able to play any sports? Would I have the athletic ability? No matter what your disability I am sure we can all relate that it’s not always easy to try something new and put yourself out there for things like sports. Two years ago I made a decision. I was going to reclaim that part of my life. I was going to get back what I was missing. I have started training to try and become better in a wheelchair and stronger. I have started looking for sports or leisure opportunities but came up with very little. The nearest opportunity for sports would seem to be in Winnipeg. I wanted the opportunity to try some sports and provide others that same opportunity so I started Brandon Wheelchair Sports & Leisure in 2017. I found out that in Westman, 16,983 people have a disability limiting their mobility (Statistics Canada, 2011). There must be more people out there like me, but there are many barriers to people accessing Sports and Leisure activities when you have a disability including; transportation, physical health & limitations, monetary constraints, lack of support, and many more. I believe the community recognized that there is a need to help people with mobility impairments access to sports and leisure activities. We have received a lot of support and the participants also know when they come out that we are trying in every way to eliminate any barriers to accessibility and inclusion. As a community, we need to promote activities like this and assist in eliminating the barriers through education and support. Our vision is “Accessible wheelchair sports for all in Westman!” Ryan Sturgeon He can be reached by calling 571-1334. Submitted - Amanda Hamm

Brandon School Division Appointment of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Trustees

The Brandon School Division Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the following appointments made at the Inaugural Meeting of the Board of Trustees, held on Monday, November 5, 2018: • Dr. Linda Ross, Chairperson; and • Ms. Sherilyn Bambridge, Vice-Chairperson. Senior Administration and Staff of Brandon School Division would like to congratulate Trustee Linda Ross and Trustee Sherilyn Bambridge on the appointment of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, and wish them a successful experience during the 2018-2019 School Year.

Woman allegedly attempts to kick police officer while resisting arrest

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release Police were called to a disturbance in the 800 block 14th Street at approximately 10:35 PM Sunday night. A 22 year-old female was located in the residence, in an intoxicated state, and contrary to the conditions of a recognizance order she is currently bound by. While being arrested, she assaulted a police officer by attempting to kick him several times, which resulted in the additional charges of assaulting a Peace Officer, and resisting arrest being laid. The accused was lodged at Brandon Correctional Centre to appear in Court today.

Brandon man arrested, allegedly driving at 3X the legal alcohol limit

Source: Brandon Police Service Media Release A 25-year old Brandon man was arrested last night just past 10:00 PM after the vehicle he was driving was stopped by police driving the wrong way on Princess Avenue. The driver provided samples of his breath of more than three (3) times the legal limit. He was lodged at the Brandon Correctional Centre until sober. He will appear in court on November 18th to be charged with impaired driving.

Brandon teen charged after allegedly in possession of sawed-off shotgun

Source:  Brandon Police Service Media Release A 16-year old male from Brandon was arrested last night just after 2:00 AM after he was found in possession of a sawed off rifle when he was located as a passenger in a vehicle stop in the 1400 Block of Park Avenue. He was lodged at Brandon Correctional Centre to appear in court on Saturday.