Sunday, March 16, 2025
HomeLocal News (Page 604)

Brandon Woman Charged with Impaired Driving After Failing Breath Test

Crime Stoppers Wanted and Crime of the Week for March 14, 2025

Wednesday evening structure fire in Brandon

2025-2026 School Year Budget Approved

Possession of Dangerous Weapon, Carry Concealed Weapon

Beyond the Box Score: Local Sports News for March 9, 2025

Seven hundred dollars worth of unpaid merchandise recovered, suspects arrested

Crime Stoppers Wanted and Crime of the Week for March 7, 2025

Manitoba Increases Public School Funding

The Manitoba government is maintaining a balanced approach to providing students a quality education while creating efficiency and controlling costs within the public education system, Education and Training Minister Ian Wishart announced today.  The province will invest $1.323 billion in public school divisions for the 2018-19 school year, an increase of $6.6 million. “We continue to provide significant funding to give students the best education possible while we carefully steer Manitoba back onto a responsible fiscal track,” said Wishart.  “When school divisions create their budgets for the year ahead, we expect them to manage their expenditures accordingly.  This means making decisions that best suit students’ needs, and consider the impact on local ratepayers and Manitoba taxpayers.” The minister signalled the intention to move to a streamlined, single provincial bargaining table for public school teachers from the existing 38 collective bargaining units.  The last round of contracts is set to expire June 30. Manitoba is the only province where teacher collective bargaining is conducted exclusively at the local level, negotiated separately between each school board and its local teachers’ association. “We want to put teachers back in the classroom, where they want to be and where students need them most, instead of being at the bargaining table,” said Wishart.  “We want to give trustees more time to focus on the quality of learning for students and free up resources currently tied up by negotiations.” The province will hold a consultation process with affected stakeholders to shape the transition to a more efficient system. For the 2018-19 school year, the minister directed school divisions to limit any increases to their local education property tax to two per cent.  Wishart pointed out The Public Services Sustainability Act wage freeze would alleviate some expenditure pressure on divisions. As well, Wishart announced a 15 per cent reduction to the existing administration cost caps, effective July 1.  School division administration costs, which include the board of trustees, superintendent’s and secretary treasurer’s departments, have increased by $5.6 million or nine per cent in the past three years. “It is imperative we reduce administrative costs while protecting front line services,” said the minister.  “This new approach does not unfairly penalize divisions who have already made the effort to streamline administrative costs, as budgets show all divisions were below their respective caps in the past three years, and many spent well below the limit on administration.” Manitoba will phase out the Tax Incentive Grant (TIG) over the next six years.  The grant will be adjusted to ensure school divisions do not receive less than 98 per cent of last year’s operating and TIG support combined.  TIG was a voluntary program that ended in 2011, intended to assist school divisions that held the line on taxes. Intensive Newcomers Support Contingency funding will increase by $40,000 to help divisions with new arrivals of refugees and other high-needs English as an additional language students. Education financing will come under further examination in early 2019, when the province launches its review of the kindergarten to Grade 12 education system, the minister added.  The process will include public consultation and consider a wide range of issues, such as the quality of education, role of school boards and taxation power.

Manitoba Invites Recommendations to Increase Access to Venture Capital

The Manitoba government has issued a request for information (RFI) for an access to capital strategy and a request for pre-qualifications (RFPQ) for venture capital fund proposals to contribute to the development of a bold and modern new economic growth strategy, Growth, Enterprise and Trade Minister Blaine Pederson announced today. “Attracting new investment and increasing access to job creating venture capital are a key part of our 10-point economic growth plan,” said Pedersen.  “We knew when we formed government there was no provincial economic development strategy.  Work is now well underway to change that.” These next steps build on the government-commissioned report by Deloitte LLP that undertook a comprehensive review of Manitoba’s economic development efforts, and will support the work of Dave Angus, former CEO of the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce and entrepreneur Barb Gamey, a member of the Premier’s Enterprise Team, tocraft the new provincial economic growth strategy. Pedersen noted the RFI will help source stakeholder recommendations and shape program design efforts to improve Manitoba’s portfolio of business services, industry development support programming and provincial tax credit initiatives. The RFPQ is a proactive approach to assemble a short-list of qualified investment management organizations to partner with the province on a future request for proposals to improve access to capital through the establishment of one or more venture capital funds, the minister said. He noted the objectives in pursuing options for provincially supported venture capital are to address a gap that exists in Manitoba, attract private-sector capital and leverage resources to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) grow and create jobs.  Launching the RFI and RFPQ are critical steps in moving forward with a comprehensive new economic growth strategy, he added. “We are very pleased to see that the new venture capital strategy will be designed according to stakeholder input,” said Mariette Mulaire, president and CEO, World Trade Centre Winnipeg.  “This partnership approach will ensure cohesiveness and eliminate the gaps which are often hindering the growth of our many promising SMEs.” “Capital is the lifeblood of business, fueling expansion and job creation,” said Loren Remillard, president and CEO, Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce.  “Yet access to capital is a leading obstacle for local businesses looking to grow in Manitoba.  It is why we have long called for a comprehensive local capital strategy, one that helps bridge the financing gaps along the business continuum from ideation to initial public offering.  We look forward to continuing to work with the province on next steps.” The RFI and RFPQ are now live on www.merx.com.  Submissions for the RFI will be accepted until March 8 and submissions for the RFPQ will be accepted until March 22.

Brandon resident wins $1 million

WCLC News Release Rosemarie Dalton is Manitoba’s first lottery millionaire of 2018! The Brandon resident won $1 million on the February 2 WESTERN MAX draw. Dalton is very excited about her win. In fact, she’s so excited that she said she’s having a hard time keeping track of her winning ticket. “I keep putting it down and forgetting it,” she said, laughing. “The first thing I did when I saw that I won was run out of the store – without my ticket – to call my husband.” The excited winner said she also left her ticket on the kitchen table on her way out the door to claim her prize in Winnipeg. A little while later left the ticket in her vehicle. “I think I’m just stunned,” she said. “I can’t keep it all straight!” Dalton said she is going to take some time to make specific plans for her windfall, but she said it will help her achieve a long-time dream. “This will definitely help me retire early,” she said. Dalton said she’s looking forward to something else retirement will give her the opportunity for: a new furry friend. “I’ve wanted to get a rescue cat for a long time, but we haven’t been able to make it work,” she said. “Now we can!” The lucky winner said she and her husband will also take some time to plan a warm winter vacation. Dalton purchased her $7 quick pick WESTERN MAX ticket at Richmond Gas Bar and C-Store, located at 1035 Richmond Avenue. She matched the numbers 18, 40, 43, 44, 45, 46 and 48 to win.

Apartment manager allegedly steals from tenants

Brandon Police Service Media Release On January 29th 2018, Officers began an investigation after receiving a report that the manager of an apartment complex stole a snow blower and money from laundry room machines. Through investigation, the man was also found to be in possession of a stolen utility trailer. On Tuesday afternoon, the 49-year-old man from Winnipeg was arrested for Theft Under $5000 X2 and Possession of Stolen Property. He was released to attend Court in April.

2017 BRHC Foundation Gala Proceeds Announced

The 2017 BRHC Foundation Gala Committee is thrilled to announce that $73,634.80 was raised from the SOLD OUT event held September 30. The spectacular evening included champagne, gourmet meal, wine, chocolates, a complimentary photo, prizes, and dancing. Equipment purchases for the Brandon Regional Health Centre will include a fetal monitor and waterless milk warmers for the Maternal/Child areas, a physiological monitor for the Dialysis Unit, and a hyper-hypothermia system for the Emergency Department. Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this 27th annual fundraiser! Special thanks to the Gala Committee: Kyla Beattie, Danika Dinko, Dr. Carina Kaiser, Brett Kennedy, Kelly Lumbard, Nikki Maduke, Sally Mott, Cheryl Nelson, Dr. Savitri Ramaya, Jenn Shields, Jill Stewart, Dr. Kelby Treloar, and Barb Webber