Saturday, January 11, 2025
HomeLocal News (Page 642)

Eastview Landfill Temporarily Closed Due to Fire

Crime Stoppers Wanted for January 10, 2025

State of the Downtown

Keystone Centre Releases 2023-24 Annual Report Highlighting Growth, Investments, and Community Impact

Schoonbaert SIgns With Top UK Team

After 60 years big changes at Pik-A-Dilly

MPI rates to rise 5.7% in coming fiscal year

2025 Proposed Municipal Budget

CRTC puts an end to locked cellphones and unlocking fees

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission News Release Updated Wireless Code gives Canadians more control over their wireless services June 15, 2017 – Ottawa-Gatineau - Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) today announced that as of December 1, 2017, all individual and small business wireless service customers will have the right to have their cellphones and other mobile devices unlocked free of charge upon request. In addition, all newly purchased devices must be provided unlocked from that day forward. As well, updates to the trial period will allow customers who are unhappy with their service to cancel their contract within 15 days and return their device in near-new condition at no costs, as long as they have used less than half their monthly usage limits. The CRTC also clarified certain rules that are already in place under the Wireless Code. For family or shared plans, the account holder must, by default, be the one who consents to data overage and data roaming charges beyond the established caps ($50 and $100 per month, respectively). Wireless service providers may, however, allow account holders to authorize other users on a family or shared plan to consent to additional charges. The CRTC also made clear that in all instances, the caps apply on a per account basis, regardless of the number of devices associated with the account. These clarifications apply immediately. Finally, there were various interpretations of a wireless plan’s key terms in the marketplace and the CRTC has clarified that they include voice, text and data services. These terms cannot be unilaterally changed by the service provider during the contract period without the account holder’s express consent. These clarifications apply immediately. “The Wireless Code has helped make the wireless market more dynamic to the benefit of Canadians. While they appreciate the Code, they told us loudly and clearly that it could be more effective. We have listened to them. The changes and clarifications we are announcing today will give Canadians additional tools to make informed choices about their wireless services and take advantage of competitive offers in the marketplace.” - Jean-Pierre Blais, Chairman of the CRTC  

Independent Investigation Unit Concludes Two Investigations

Brandon Police Service Special Release On May 26, 2017, the Independent Investigation Unit of Manitoba concluded its investigation into the death of a man in a Brandon Hotel room and his interactions with Brandon Police members several hours earlier. The IIU has determined that no charges are to be laid against the Brandon Police Service members. The BPS members acted professionally and in accordance with lawful authorities in this tragic incident. On June 7, 2017, the IIU concluded its investigation into a complaint that a male was assaulted and abandoned outside of Brandon by Police. The Brandon Police Service provided GPS records for all vehicles for the date in question with the exception of the Police Service K-9 Unit. No Police vehicles left the city limits on the date in question. The IIU has released in its investigational conclusion that the complainant recanted information initially provided and BPS members’ used no acts or applications of force. The Brandon Police Service is reviewing this outcome and will determine if further investigation is required concerning the false allegation against BPS members. The reports in relation to both of these matters can be found at www.iiumanitoba.ca.

The 2017 Manitoba Summer Fair Wraps up With Positive Attendance

The 2017 Manitoba Summer Fair is over for another year with 101300 visits over the five days. “We had a great week for Canada 150 and our 135th celebrations.” Said Ron Kristjansson, general manager at the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. “The RCMP Musical Ride and Alberta Miniature Chuckwagon racers brought out a lot of visitors that hadn’t been to the fair in a long time and they had very positive comments about the changes we continue to make to our fair; the weather on Friday slowed us down a bit and had us rearranging some schedules, but Saturday saw the strongest single day attendance in several years.” The annual citizenship ceremony held on Wednesday, June 7 set a record for the largest ceremony officiant Dwight MacAulay had presided over with 153 citizens taking their oath of citizenship. The fair organizers made efforts this year to make the fair more accessible and will continue to work on those improvements for next year. The musical acts were probably the strongest line-up in years and it paid off with over 1000 guests for Saturday night’s Road Hammers concert. The Sunday morning pancake breakfast brought in close to 1100 hungry fair goers and the stands were full for the annual Demo derby. New features of the derby included a Little Tykes version and the much-anticipated return of the combine crunch. On the agriculture side, organizers were pleased with the turn out for the horse show and the cattle show, both areas that they plan to grow in future years. Next up for the Provincial Ex is Manitoba AG EX, home of the Manitoba Finals Rodeo October 25 – 28. Visit the website for more details at www.provincialexhibition.com

Major storm, Tornado rips through Ninette – Killarney – Baldur – Rock Lake

Collection of photos of the damage caused by Friday's storm that left as many as 4,600 people losing power.  Manitoba Hydro is saying that as of 2 hours ago "All customers restored in Killarney/Westman as of 7 p.m. with exemption of several customers in Rock Lake area."

Brandon Police officer kicked during arrest

A 24-year old Brandon woman allegedly kicked a Brandon Police Officer during an arrest on Friday evening.  Police say they received a report of an intoxicated person walking in front of vehicles in the 1100 block of Braecrest Dr, located the woman, and in the process of being arrested the suspect became combative kicking one of the arresting officers.  The officer did not sustain any injuries in the incident.  The suspect was already under a condition to abstain from the consumption of alcohol and was detained overnight for a court appearance today.