Friday, March 7, 2025
HomeLocal News (Page 689)

Project STEEL leads to the arrest of 106 online child sex offenders

Reported stabbing downtown, 2 suspects arrested

Brutal Assault and Robbery in Downtown Business: Four Youths Arrested

Brandon Bits and Bites #8

Late night “shopper” tracked by K9 and busted with shopping cart full of stolen liquor

Crime Stoppers Wanted for February 28, 2025

Province Issues February Flood Outlook

Pursuit with Arrests

Cullen got the call. And he returned mine.

It came four hours late, but I did have a phone interview with Cliff Cullen, once a comparatively low-key Progressive Conservative Opposition MLA, now minister of growth, enterprise and trade (and labour) in the new Brian Pallister government. The Spruce Woods rep, who lives in Glenboro, is also now the de facto voice at the cabinet table for Brandon, as our two Tory MLAs were passed over for a seat in the pared-down 12-member inner circle. The Spruce Woods constituency encircles the Wheat City, so we’re kinda like the hole in the doughnut. However, Cullen has been spotted frequently in Brandon, is completely up to speed on the issues facing us that fall under the province’s purview and says he will work closely with Brandon East MLA-elect Len Isleifson and Brandon West MLA-elect Reg Helwer. “We have two really good representatives in Brandon,” Cullen said Wednesday, the day after he was sworn in. “I know the premier will have additional roles for those two fellas once they are sworn in (May 11). They will be an important part of our team. “And that’s really the way that we look at it. We’re all part of the same team trying to accomplish some good things for Manitoba. However, neither Isleifson or Helwer were on the list of six legislative assistants appointed last week to assist ministers. Cullen’s LA is Kelly Bindle, MLA-elect for Thompson. The position of legislative assistant, says a government release, is filled by MLAs in caucus in order to support cabinet ministers and also provide the assigned MLAs with experience associated to cabinet. The list also included many of the demographic and geographic voids in the cabinet. As far as lists go, Cullen wasn’t any pundit’s pick that I saw as being a potential cabinet minister. Helwer was considered the natural choice. I asked Cullen how he felt when he got the call from the premier on Monday. “I was somewhat surprised, but I’ve been around here a long time and had a lot of different roles and built a lot of relationships over time,” he said. As for pressing issues in Spruce Woods, they are primarily crumbling roads and health care — or “the lack thereof” — for the latter. In Brandon, infrastructure issues also dominate. Including the Daly Overpass rebuild. Cullen gets an extra $50,930 on top of the regular MLA’s pay of $93,025. He also gets extra staff. And a really nice office in the Manitoba Legislature. Cullen also has a new deputy minister, Jamie Wilson, the former, Treaty Relations Commissioner of Manitoba. He was one of four deputy ministers that Pallister moved in quickly to replace existing NDP hires. *** Brandonites will also have direct access to government via the Westman Regional Cabinet Office. What’s that you ask? It’s located in the provincial building on Ninth Street and has traditionally been a low-key operation. But there’s no reason it couldn’t be made more prominent and accessible to constituents. The office, which traditionally employs two people, was first opened in 1989 by former premier Gary Filmon. The first director of that office was veteran newscaster Ron Arnst, who has served as a press secretary to cabinet since he left CKLQ 880 earlier that year. At the time, Arnst was charged with acting as a local liaison for groups and individuals dealing with government and was to be available to assist organizers of community projects in gaining access to appropriate government services. I’m not too sure how that office was used under the NDP regime. I know the staff did organize media appearances of ministers and the premier, but the new Tory government is free to structure it as it pleases. And that could go a long way to soothe the feeling of Tory voters who feel that Brandon has been left on the outside looking in again of the cabinet room. (The photos here include one I took of Pallister greeting Cullen at a pre-election rally at Len Isleifson’s campaign office.The other is a screen grab from CBC of Cullen being sworn in by Manitoba Lt.-Gov. Janice Filmon.)

ACC Athletics Fundraising Challenge

Canadian Wrestling's Elite returns to Brandon, Manitoba on Thursday, May 26th and returning in a big way with the "500 Ticket" Fundraising Challenge! The return to Brandon finally answers the demand of an all ages, family friendly event in Brandon and with that CWE management is partnering up with the Assiniboine Community College Athletic Team to help raises funds for their department. If the joint effort of CWE and ACC sells 500 tickets to the event Canadian Wrestling's Elite will donate $1500 to the ACC Athletics Team. This donation will go towards the recruitment of new student athletes to Assiniboine Community College. Student athletes dedicate anywhere from 6-20 hours a week to their sport on top of full time classes and the requirement to maintain good academic standing as a student. The opportunity to play sport while at post-secondary gives students an opportunity to learn valuable employment and life skills like time management, teamwork, communication and leadership. Come out and enjoy some great wrestling and support Brandon's athletic future! Thursday May 26th- Brandon, MB Location: Assiniboine Community College (1430 Victoria Ave. East) Time: VIP/Meet & Greet 6pm, Doors Open 6:30pm, Bell time 7pm Tickets: VIP Front Row Access Meet & Greet $21, General Admission $16 in advance, $19 at the door. Advance Tickets Available At: Eye Opener Book Store (314 10th St.) Advance Tickets Available at: cwetickets.com For full event information visit www.cwecanada.ca

Pitching In and Helping – Out Part of What This is All About!

Throughout my 10+ years of writing articles as a columnist (Wheat City Journal, Brandon Sun and currently WWW.BDNMB.ca) I’m often approached by folks who are searching for some extra coverage for an event that they are involved with planning and or organizing. Many of these said events are designed to help out charitable causes and or organizations. It has always been my pleasure to oblige as many as possible whenever time allowed. I do this because I maintain the belief that these types of events add to the greater good of our community. As a result they make our community stronger. The more people become aware of these events, the better the event and more successful the result! Another positive I take away from these requests, especially the handful I’ve already contributed to this website, is as I continue to receive these requests it shows that people actually like to keep up to date with what is going on in our community and know about all events in our community big or small. Therefore people are visiting this site which makes it all the more worthwhile to continue pecking away at the keyboard. It’s something that started out as a hobby but soon turned into a labor of love. So before I share some brief info about a local event that will help out a well deserving group, I want to put out the invitation to people who require a little extra promotional push behind any worthwhile community event that they may be involved in. Whether its charity based or otherwise, I’m here to help. Just email me at: Alwaysfrank@mymts.net Take a free test drive and help support the op Vimy Ridge cadets earn funds towards their trip to France for the 100th anniversary!! TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:00 pm get here early DATE: Saturday, May 21, 2016 PLACE: Brandon Armoury, 1116 Victoria Avenue, Brandon, MB ORGANIZATION: 60 Swiftsure Sea Cadets  OP VIMY RIDGE WHY REGISTER FOR A TEST DRIVE? Launched in Canada in 2010, the Drive 4UR School and Drive 4UR Community programs are Ford's pillar test drive fundraising programs. They are a fun and exciting way to engage schools and local community causes and support their fundraising efforts. Ford Dealerships partner with a local school or community organization to conduct a test drive event together. For every valid test drive completed at the event, Ford of Canada donates $20 to the cause - up to a maximum of $6,000. Please visit their Facebook pages for event stories and past event pictures! https://www.facebook.com/Drive4URCommunity https://www.facebook.com/Drive4URSchoolCanada  

Bubble Soccer Tournament

A 3 on 3 coed bubble soccer tournament is scheduled to take place on Saturday and Sunday September 10th & 11th at Earl Oxford School with all proceeds going to support Big Brothers & Sisters of Brandon. Registration is only $150 and teams are comprised of up to six people.  Teams should have at least one female on the field at all times. To register or for more information contact: Sean 204-721-4287  Carla 204-727-1787 Official Facebook Page

The people of Fort McMurray, are on everyone’s mind today

The fires, but most importantly the people of Fort McMurray, are on everyone's mind today. Stories of kindness and neighbours helping neighbours are speckled across the pages of Facebook.  80,000 residents on mandatory evacuation.  Opportunities for Canadians to get involved are abound. You can donate on-line through the Red Cross or by texting REDCROSS to 30333 and your cell provider will add a $5 donation to your monthly bill.  The Calgary Flames organization has stepped up to donate $100,000 to the cause.  Westjet has sent planes to airlift many residents to safely. You can read about their on-going relief efforts on their blog.  For updated news reports, tune into www.cbc.ca for the latest.