City Manager Ron Bowles To Bid Farewell

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City Manager Ron Bowles of Brandon will bid farewell to the City of Brandon later this summer. He has given official notice of his resignation to Mayor Jeff Fawcett and Brandon City Council that his last day in the office will be August 30, 2024.

Bowles became the City of Brandon’s City Manager in April of 2021. He is leaving the City of Brandon for a career opportunity in British Columbia. Bowles said that he is very proud of Brandon’s municipal public service.

“I am most proud of the leadership team at all levels of the City, as well as working closely with a progressive Mayor and Council,” Bowles said. “We have faced some very difficult challenges together and created unique opportunities for our citizens and businesses to enjoy.”

“The City of Brandon staff are very committed, dedicated, and customer service oriented. Our team exemplifies our vision statement of ‘Serving and Building Community with PRIDE’,” said Bowles. “Financial sustainability has been a key focus, with the city moving forward on a solid financial path. Downtown business and social challenges have been addressed with real actions, and the outdoor sports complex has gone from a concept to construction. The city has also developed its first City Plan and Climate Action Plan. The senior leadership team has been reinvigorated with an improved mandate and greater effectiveness.”

“It has been a great pleasure to lead and work with such an amazing group of people. I am very proud of our shared achievements over the last three years and feel that we have raised the bar with respect to our service to the community,” Bowles concluded. “I also want to thank Mayor Fawcett and City Council for all of their support and direction over the last few years and truly believe they will continue to move this City forward in a thoughtful and meaningful way, always keeping our ratepayers top of mind.”

Mayor Jeff Fawcett expressed his sincere appreciation to Mr. Bowles for his outstanding service as the City Manager on behalf of Brandon City Council and the community of Brandon. “Ron’s leadership and dedication have been crucial in guiding our city towards a brighter and more sustainable future. His ability to work well with the Council and his team has resulted in significant improvements for our citizens and businesses. While we are sorry to see him go, we are proud of the legacy he leaves behind and wish him the very best in his new endeavors,” said Mayor Fawcett.

Before Bowles leaves, the City of Brandon’s Personnel Committee, led by Mayor Fawcett, will appoint an acting City Manager. A formal search for a replacement has started.