City of Brandon Accepting Feedback on Proposed Private Radio Network Tower Site
Brandon, MB – The City of Brandon is currently accepting public feedback on a pair of site options for the installation of a single monopole tower for a private radio network to be used by employees within its Operational Services Division.
The City of Brandon delivers a wide range of programs and services to the community via its Operational Services Division, more specifically the frontline services provided by

City of Brandon Operational Services Division Private Radio Network Monopole Tower – Option 2 (Artist’s rendering)
Brandon Transit, the Sanitation, Sewer and Water, and Streets and Roads Sections of the Public Works Department, and the Parks and In-City Maintenance Sections of the Community Services Department. In order to ensure its employees can safely communicate while conducting their work at locations across the community, the City of Brandon is proposing to create a cost-effective private radio network. In order to accommodate this technology, the City is proposing to install a total of one (1) radio monopole at one (1) of following municipally-owned locations: on the south side grounds adjacent to Brandon City Hall (410-9th Street), or on the southwest grounds at the rear of the A.R. McDiarmid Civic Complex (638 Princess Avenue). Typically, the overall height of such a monopole is approximately 120 feet. The project is anticipated to lower the City of Brandon’s radio communications costs and have an approximate payback of 3 to 4 years on an expected 15-year life cycle.
Public Feedback on the proposed location options will be accepted between November 13th, 2018 and December 12th, 2018, via the following methods (all questions or comments will be responded to within 60 days):
Email –
Telephone – 204-729-2238
Letter Mail – Jason Kelusky, Manager of Information Technology, City of Brandon, 410 – 9th Street, Brandon, MB, R7A 6A2
A come-and-go public open house will also be held on Wednesday, November 28th, 2018, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. within the Brandon Design Studio Space of the Brandon Cultural Resource Centre at the A.R. McDiarmid Civic Complex (638 Princess Avenue, East Entrance). Interested community members are encouraged to attend to view visual renderings of the proposed location options, see the project plans, ask questions, and provide feedback. If an individual is unable to attend, but has specific questions about the proposed project, they may email
For additional information about monopole systems, visit the Government of Canada website at