City of Brandon Green Cart Program 2018 End-of-Season Update
The City of Brandon Sanitation Section would like to advise Green Cart program participants that as a result of the freeze-thaw temperatures we are currently experiencing, collection staff are noticing that large amounts of organic material is sticking in many of the green lidded carts during collection. Collection staff are doing their best to ensure that the majority of this material releases from the carts, but due to the large volume of carts collected each day, they are unable to return and re-dump carts affected by this issue. To help alleviate this problem, participants are encouraged to place newspaper/cardboard at the bottom of the cart to allow material to release in an effective manner. Bagging yard waste in a compostable kraft paper bag is also a great option to ensure organic material does not stick!
Weather-permitting, the final day of Green Cart collection for the year will be Friday, November 9th. However, Green Cart program participants are encouraged to continue placing all kitchen waste and other accepted organics into their Green Bin during the winter months. If program participants find their bin fills up prior to the start of the 2018 program, they can empty it at any one of the City’s compost drop-off depots or by taking their bin directly to the Eastview Landfill.
Any future requests this year from residents who wish to enroll in the Green Cart program will be processed as received, but cart delivery will NOT OCCUR until the Spring of 2019 due to the limited supply of available carts.
More information about the City of Brandon’s Green Cart program can always be found at