City of Brandon Seeking Feedback on Renewed Downtown Secondary Plan
Brandon, MB – The City of Brandon is welcoming community feedback on proposed changes to its Downtown Secondary Plan aimed at encouraging downtown development and continued vibrancy.
The plan for downtown development, originally adopted by Brandon City Council in 2012, identifies the vision by which the City’s downtown might “flourish and grow into a vibrant and dynamic place, the preferred destination in the region, by offering a wide range of unique and diverse experiences and stimulating economic opportunities.” An update of the Plan was initiated in the spring of 2018 to ensure that the collective vision of the community can be achieved through tangible action items within the plan. City of Brandon administration have spent several months since then engaging with vested stakeholders such as the Brandon Downtown Development Corporation and downtown businesses and residents, as well as the community at-large, to explore new ideas and opportunities to achieve the downtown vision.
Among the updated plan’s proposed changes are:
- A renewed focus on urban design to create a destination pedestrian environment;
- Greater focus on increasing the number of market residential units downtown;
- More flexibility of first floor commercial/office uses in the central business area;
- Maintenance and promotion of commercial growth along key commercial corridors (e.g. Rosser and Princess Avenues), as well a renewed focus on revitalizing Pacific Avenue as a “destination street”.
A community discussion on the renewed plan is scheduled for Thursday, February 7th, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Brandon Design Studio space within the Cultural Resource Centre at the A.R. McDiarmid Civic Complex (638 Princess Avenue, East Doors). Refreshments will be provided. Those with accessibility accommodation requests are asked to confirm their attendance by Thursday, January 31st by emailing or phoning 204-729-2214.
“The community has been very engaged in the downtown plan update process,” notes City of Brandon Chief Planner Ryan Nickel. “Receiving input and ‘buy-in’ from the community on changes to the plan is critical so all groups can move forward united to implement the vision. We encourage all residents and downtown boosters to join us for our interactive discussion on the updated plan and how we can all work together to achieve the downtown vision.”
A draft version of the proposed plan update can be viewed on the City of Brandon website here: