Community Connection: 20 Questions with Cam Toews
Welcome to the inaugural “Community Connection” feature on where every few weeks we will be asking a friendly Brandon resident 20 questions about themselves and their life in the area. Questions will range from silly to serious in an effort to provide greater insight into the individual and their thoughts about living in Brandon. Our first featured guest (Cam Toews) was a unanimous choice among staff and advisers when the topic of who we should interview first came up.
Occupation: Real estate sales.
First job: Grew up on a farm but first off farm job was carpentry.
Nickname: I get a lot of Tazer from my last name, said the right way.
Childhood celebrity crush: Wow! Long time ago but probably Tanya Tucker.
Years lived in Brandon: Since 2002, 17 years.
Hobbies: Golf, curling, music.
If you were trying out for Canadian Idol what would be your go to song: Something classic country, Ghost in This House – Shenandoah or Don’t Close Your Eyes – Keith Whitley.
Chicken wings or lettuce wraps: Wings.
Favorite city to visit: Nashville but want to visit New York & Boston.
Favorite All-Time Wheat King: Ryan Craig was the man when I moved here and played a great all around game. Have to mention our current NHL local boys Matt Calvert and Michael Ferland. Good western Canada grit there.
A new business you would like to see make an appearance in Brandon: Disc golf.
A concert the Keystone Centre should bring to town: Something classic or retro country, either from the 1990’s or a current act that plays that style. Sunny Sweeney and Wade Bowen from Texas are newer or Bellamy Brothers and Shenandoah are still touring.
Dinner party dream guests (4): Merle Haggard, Nolan Ryan, Wayne Gretzky, & Patty Loveless.
A movie you would watch again tonight:Bull Durham, Forrest Gump, or Old School.
You’ve got friends visiting Brandon for the first time, where are you taking them: Joe Beeverz, Firehouse, Keystone Centre.
A business from the past you would like to see return to Brandon: Arby’s
You have just won $100,000, what do you spend it on: $10,000 to Westman Dreams for Kids. Spend some on myself and family, and then invest the most of it (probably in real estate).
Between a ski chalet and summer cottage I would rather have: Summer cottage
Early riser or night owl: Night owl
What do you enjoy most about living in Brandon: I describe Brandon as “a small town with big city clothes on”. Everybody knows everybody but we have most conveniences of a large city.