Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School receives large grant for the Collision Repair & Refinishing Program


The Collision Repair & Refinishing Program at Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School is pleased to announce the receipt of the 2020-2021 Skill Strategy Equipment Enhancement Fund (SSEEF) Grant. The $240,986.96 grant consists of:

ight Pro Spot5 SP Double Pulse Welders that are approved for use in the Collision Repair Trade to weld on modern vehicles and opens the doors to welding Aluminum and Silicone Bronze. Students from Grade 9-12 will be
using and practicing with these welders on a daily basis;

• Four Downdraft Welding Tables that will improve ventilation and safely allow students to weld materials we were not able to do before; and

• A portion of the funds will be allocated to upgrading the electrical system in the building and making modifications to the space to operate the new equipment efficiently and effectively.

This is the second SSEEF Grant awarded to the Crocus Plains Collision Repair & Refinishing Program in the last 5 years. In 2016-2017 the school received approximately $350,000 towards the installation of a new paint booth.
