Day trip, Eternal Springs only 50 minutes from Brandon

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Planning a day trip doesn’t always mean having to drive long distances or spending a ton of money. The next time you have a free day consider hopping in your car for a day trip to Eternal Springs, located approximately 50 minutes from Brandon.

Eternal Springs, maintained by local volunteers, is located roughly 8 miles east of Virden and features 2 smaller stocked trout ponds, hiking trails, BBQ pits, a 66 ft swinging bridge and picnic tables. It’s an ideal place to head out for a walk and explore some new hiking trails. Heading home once the hiking and exploring has been completed, you can always head over to Oak Lake (Dandy Drive Inn) for some classic drive-inn food.

Word of caution, Eternal Springs is not the easiest place in world to find, so set your GPS before you leave the house.


Take Hwy 254, 6.5km north of Oak Lake, then 1.5km west, 1.5km north and 4.5km west. There is a sign on the left side of the road “Eternal Springs”. Drive into the park site which is @ 400meters

  • Latitude: 49°50’8.2″ (49.8356°) north
  • Longitude: 100°43’15.2″ (100.7209°) west
  • Elevation: 396 meters (1,299 feet)