Demolition process of the International Harvester Building starts Monday
Manitoba Infrastructure will be starting the demolition process of the International Harvester Building starting Monday, April 12th. There will be single lane traffic in each direction on 18th Street from Rosser Avenue to McDonald Avenue. The sidewalk and underpass on the Thomas Daly bridge will be closed to traffic.
Pedestrians and cyclists can catch a shuttle daily between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The locations to catch a shuttle will be in the parking lot of the old Pacific Plaza at 1700 Pacific Avenue and at the bottom of the stairs to the Bridge on McDonald Avenue just west of 17th Street North.
Pedestrian traffic on the bridge and the resumption of two southbound vehicle travel lanes is expected again on April 17th, barring any delays. Please avoid the area if possible.
(City of Brandon Release)