Hidden gem restaurant located on a golf course
BDNMB.CA is always in search of that hidden gem type restaurant, not too far off the beaten path, that we feel our readers would also enjoy. Recently we were made aware of a restaurant located approximately an hour from Brandon and we had to check it out for for ourselves. Let me tell you, this place is must stop if you’re looking at taking an afternoon drive or you’re seeking an alternative joint to hit on your way to or from Winnipeg.

Gladstone Golf & Country Club Restaurant
The Gladstone Golf & Country Club Restaurant is the perfect place to start or end a round of golf. The restaurant offers casual and comfortable dining and is open for the duration of the golf season (mid April to end of October) and closed for the winter months. The restaurant is under the management on Spike Foster, who many people will recognize from his days in Brandon at Parthenon Pizza, Rally Caps, and O’Kellys. In conversation with bdnmb.ca, Spike said that the menu concept and recipes come from his years of working in the industry and his time as a food sales representative. This is the 4th season Foster has been running the restaurant and he said their most popular dishes include anything with their signature sweet heat sauce. To view the menu, checkout their Facebook page here.

Gladstone Golf & Country Club Restaurant

Gladstone Golf & Country Club Restaurant
The clubhouse is open for meals starting from 8:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. (depending upon sunset) during weekdays, and 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. on weekends.

Gladstone Golf & Country Club Restaurant

Gladstone Golf & Country Club Restaurant