Intoxicated female located passed out in elevator, intoxicated man found in ditch

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Failure to Comply Undertaking

On March 23rd at 1:46PM police were called to the 200 block of 9th Street for an intoxicated female who was passed out by an elevator. Police attended and found the 23-year-old female. By being at the said address the female was in Breach of an Undertaking. She was arrested, medically cleared and held in detention cells to be released once sober. A court date of August 11th, 2025, has been set.


On March 23rd at 7:45AM police were requested to assist with a male rolling around in the ditch in the 1800 block of 18th Street North. The 41-year-old male was located by police and found to be highly intoxicated by drink or drug. He was medically cleared and held in detention cells to be released once sober.