Introducing the Westman Border Fastball Museum Twilight League
Recently, the Onanole Sporty’s Originals captured the inaugural Westman Border Fastball Museum Twilight League Championship. The league, geared towards players 50+, featured three teams including: Southeast Express (Fleming, SK, also Moosimin, Langenburg, Churchbridge, Rocanville), Borderline Legends (Roblin-Russell and area), Onanole Sporty’s Originals (Onanole-Erickson and area).
This was the first year for the league and the idea for the league came up as a result of discussions with the executive of the Westman Border Fastball Museum at Asessippi Park and the “Hall of Fame” event that they held last year. The intent was to revive men’s fastball in the area and hopefully expose potential younger players to the game.

Submitted Photo
At this time there are plans to continue and the league executive will have meetings in the fall and winter to determine how they move forward. Expansion is something that will be discussed, as they indicated it would be great to have a team from the Brandon area. You can follow the league’s Twitter account here.
Thanks to Les Ellchuk for the information and photos.