Local restaurant adapts to new Covid restrictions
The last several months, local restaurants have had no choice but to adapt during this coronavirus outbreak. Recent regulations to close dining room areas in order to combat the spread of COVID-19 have tasked restaurants with looking for alternative methods of operation to remain open. Patches Family Restaurant (223-18th Street North) recently told bdnmb.ca they have reduced both their hours of operation and menu, while adding in-house delivery as well. “We did good at breakfast, but lunch has always been our strongest point which is why we decided on the hours we are working off of now” said owner Micheal Smith.
“During our covid hours, normally we have a lunch special that runs until 2pm, and includes home made soup for $10.95 Monday through Friday, along with daily evening specials that run $13.95 that include soup or salad, dessert (bread pudding), but we won’t be running those again (evening specials) until I can have a dining room opened again.” added Micheal.

Patches Family Restaurant has been serving Brandon residents quality home cooked meals for roughly 20 years. Micheal Smith and Jo-Anna Kay are the new owners and they about to enter their 2nd year of ownership. Michael has been working there for 11 years.
To place an order you can call them (727-6517), order through Facebook or Instagram and orders are available for pick up and in house delivery.
Current Hours of operation:
Tuesday through Saturday 11am to 4pm
“We would like to thank each and every person who has taken the time to order from us, be them our daily regulars, or people who have ordered for the first time, and everything in-between. Its been a strange year, but were all getting through it together!” finished Micheal.