Manitobans Head into Long Weekend with Lowest Gas Prices in Canada Pipeline Restored to Full Capacity

Manitoba’s gas remained the cheapest in Canada while work was completed to restore the Imperial Oil Pipeline, which is now operating at full capacity, Premier Wab Kinew announced today.

“As Manitobans head to the cottage or to Canada Day celebrations this weekend, they’re saving 14 cents a litre at the pump and paying the lowest gas prices in Canada,” said Kinew. “Manitoba gas has been the cheapest in the country since we cut the gas tax in January, and with the pipeline back online and supply returned to normal, we’re making sure Manitobans can get out more and worry less about paying the bills this summer.”

Imperial Oil’s decision to shut down the pipeline and undertake repairs came in March, after pipeline inspections identified integrity concerns in a section of pipe just south of St. Adolphe.

The province engaged in oversight of the repair work to ensure all precautions were taken to protect the environment and worked closely with suppliers and industry partners to maintain the supply of fuel to the province by rail and truck.

Provincial inspectors were onsite when Imperial Oil successfully repaired the two fuel lines and restored the pipeline to full operating capacity.

With the repairs complete, the flow of fuel through the pipeline has been fully restored and alternative fuel deliveries by rail and truck are no longer required. The repair operation was safely completed on schedule without any impacts to the surrounding environment, noted the premier.

Manitoba’s gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel supplies are stable and retail fuel prices in the province continue to be the lowest in Canada, Kinew added.