Mayor Chrest declares October 25 – October 28, BEEF WEEK in Brandon

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October 11, 2017 Brandon, MB – On behalf of the City of Brandon, Mayor Rick Chrest has declared October 23 – October 29, “Beef Week” in Brandon to coincide with Manitoba AG EX, Manitoba’s largest all breed cattle show.

“Agriculture is the bedrock of Brandon and area, and livestock production is an ever important sector to our economy,” Said Mayor Rick Chrest. “We are pleased to help showcase all of those who continue to make beef production such a growing and progressive industry.

“ Manitoba AG EX highlights the cattle breeders’ contribution to Canada’s agricultural economy. There are over 10,000 beef producers in Manitoba totaling 1.3 million head of cattle. Manitoba’s livestock industry injects more than $500 million dollars annually to the provincial economy and creates thousands of jobs.

“This event brings in some of Manitoba’s best purebred and commercial cattle,“ Said Ron Kristjansson, General Manager at the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba. “We have over 800 entries this year, another increase from last year. We are proud to host the Canadian National Charolais show and sale and expect that with all of the cattle and equine shows going on, you will see a lot of people in the city throughout the 4 days.“ Said Kristjansson.

Manitoba AG EX kicks off with the much anticipated, Taste of Beef ‘Meat & Greet’ happening Wednesday, October 25 at the Canad Inns Great Western Roadhouse at 11:30 AM. Tickets are $25, available at the Provincial Exhibition office by calling 204-726-3590 or email