MJHL’s Neepawa franchise unveils new name, logo & jersey design
The Neepawa MJHL franchise has changed their name to Titans.
Titans was one of five names brought to the table for discussion after the organization decided to drop their longtime name and logo.
According to Titans Head Coach and General Manager, Ken Pearson, it was a long time coming but something that the organization and Town of Neepawa can now be proud of.
“The process has been long and extensive, but for the most part I think a lot of fun for myself and the group that was tasked with the rebrand. The organization is very excited to begin a new era of hockey in Neepawa and surrounding area, creating new history so to speak,” Pearson shared.

The organization felt it was important to have a great significance tied to the name and logo to properly reflect the community in which they play in.
“A Titan is known as one that stands out for greatness of achievement and we feel our community is full of Titans in every facet of life. Neepawa is known as the ‘Land of Plenty’ and feel Neepawa is a Titan in the agriculture, lumber, pork production and brewing industry,” Pearson explained.
“Paying homage to these important pillars of our community is an integral part of our rebrand. The logo plays off the Greek mythological definition of Titan, “One that is gigantic in size or power.” The colors chosen reflects a field of canola on the horizon, the silver and black pay tribute to the classic look of Junior hockey clubs of the 90’s.”
“As part of the process, a group from the Board of Directors, including myself began submitting names to each other. Once we had it down to about 4/5 names we brought those to the rest of the Board members for discussion. Once we had the name we wanted we then moved onto colors and logo design. This included bringing in Brooks Freeman from Brooks Freeman Design to help complete the logos chosen. Brooks and myself spent a few weeks going back and forth and making adjustments until we were able to find the finished product. We also talked with alumni, business leaders in the community, and others to get input,” Pearson concluded.
(MJHL Release)